Planning Meeting 20 July, 2009


Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 20th July 2009 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.50pm.
Present: Cllrs. M.  Sherwen (Chairman), V. Barrett, R. Gatward, J. Guest,
D. Hardingham, M. Linnette and R. Wakerley
In Attendance: The General Assistant and Mr. P. Stanford.
At 7.15pm prior to the meeting, Mr Graham Taylor of CCC Highways Dept. presented the plans for the Remedial Accident Scheme for the A505 at Flint Cross.
Graham showed the proposed plan to the meeting and invited comments. Research into the accidents occurring at the junction suggested that as the road widens as it passes through Flint Cross there is no appreciation of the access roads and no slowing down by motorists. A number of accidents have occurred by motorists pulling out of the Barkway turn when a vehicle approaching from the Duxford direction is masked by another from the same direction turning into the Barkway Road.
The plan is to make motorists aware of the dangers in the area; narrow the carriageway by adding kerbing to the side of the road keeping the carriageway width the same; install three traffic islands, one at each end of the stretch and one in the middle; add hatching to the road surface and reduce the speed limit to 50mph through the area.
The meeting suggested that the 50mph could be introduced on the A505 from Duxford to Royston although it was thought this would meet with some opposition as the road from Duxford to Flint Cross is straight with few hazards. The suggestion that it should be extended to the New Road turn to Melbourn from Flint Cross will be considered. Questions were raised as to whether the bollards on the traffic islands would be lit and whether the signage of the entry to the petrol station could be improved.
Graham left plans of the proposed scheme which will be further considered by the Highways Committee.
The meeting thanked Graham for his time and the Planning Meeting commenced at 7.50pm.
138/09. Apologies for absence:  Cllrs. D. Mowatt and C Purbrook and The Clerk.
139/09. Declaration of Interests: None.
140/09.  Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward and seconded by Cllr. Barrett that the minutes should be signed as a true record.
141/09. Matters arising: None.
142/09. Developments pertaining to Parish Facilities: Nothing to report.
143/09. Developments in connection with the Police Site in the centre of the village:
No further information had been received. Cllr. Barrett raised the concern that the Parish Council did not seem to be very involved in the discussion. Cllr. Mowatt will be asked when the meeting with the Hundred Housing Society is to be held and report. (See Item 108/09).
144/09. White House Farm.
The Planning permission required that the old house should be demolished when the new house was occupied. This has not happened as the new house is obtaining its services from the old house. Once the services are installed the owner is allowed two months to demolish the old house.  The District Councillors reported that the situation is being monitored by Planning Officers and further action will be taken if no progress is made.
Mr Stanford was asked to give his views. His concern was the long term use of the site if this current planning infringement was not stopped. (Mr Stanford left the meeting at 8.03pm.)
145/09. Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a)    33 Water Lane – Front Bay Window and Conservatory. Permission Granted. S/0491/09/F
(b)    91 High Street – No objection to tree work on this site.
(c) There were no further Notifications or Consultation Documents received.
146/09. Planning Applications:
(a) 71 High Street – Remove one Refrigeration Unit from within Acoustic Housing. Relocate within Acoustic Housing, two Glycol Cooler Units and adapt Multi-Compressor Condensing Pack so that all three fans operate at 50% of Maximum Speed during the night (Retrospective Application). S/0785/09/F. There was some discussion as to what constituted “overnight”.   Recommend Approval
(b) 15 Chalkhill Barrow – Extension. S/0934/09/F.  Recommend Approval
(c) 29 The Moor – Install partition in Bedroom 2 following removal of cupboard. S/0694/09/LB. Recommend Approval
(d) There were no further Planning Applications received.
147/09. Correspondence:
(a) There was no correspondence received.
148/09. This Item No. was not used
149/09. Urgent Matters:
(a)  There were no urgent matters discussed.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.25 pm.

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