Planning Meeting 19 January, 2009


A PDF download of the minutes, is available at the bottom of the page.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 19th January 2009 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. R. Gatward, M. Linnette, D. Mowatt and R. Wakerley.

[In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman the chair was taken by Cllr. Wakerley]
In Attendance: The Clerk
479/08 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. V. Barrett, J. Guest, D. Hardingham, C. Purbrook and M. Sherwen.
480/08 Declaration of Interests: None
481/08 Minutes of the meeting held on 5th January, 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Mowatt and seconded by Cllr. Linnette that the minutes of 5th January 2009 should be signed as a true record.
482/08 Matters Arising:
In an e-mail to the Clerk, Cllr. Barrett had made the following comments.
Item 452/08 (CCTV cameras) As Cllr. Purbrook will not be available to work on this project in the foreseeable future Cllr. Barrett had enquired if any one on the committee was willing to help her with this task.
Item 467/08. (Urgent matters)
Cll. Barrett had spoken to an Enforcement Officer in connection with White House Farm who had said that unless there were definite signs of occupation, no action would be taken.
Item 416/08
. (Matters arising)
The site meeting with a Planning Officer and a Conservation Officer at the Conservation site to look into the feasibility of using the ground for BMX Trails will take place on Thursday 22nd January. The Clerk is to inform Cllrs. Charter and Gatward of the date and time of this meeting.
Item 467/08
(Urgent matters)
Cllr Barrett had reported that the Housing Officer had sent a letter to the residents of Ogden Close in connection with the removal of the seat and that the majority of residents were happy for it to be removed. It was therefore, futile for Cllrs. Barrett and Guest to go knocking on residents doors asking for their opinions on this matter.
Cllr. Gatward was disappointed that the seat had been taken away. The Parish Council had liaised with SCDC in the first place on the positioning of this seat. Cllr. Gatward felt that the opportunity to discuss things with SCDC had been taken away from the Council.
In the absence of Cllr. Guest, Cllr. Barrett had spoken to a Planning Officer in connection with the Co-operative Store. She had been told that another noise assessment is to be conducted based on the equipment in the new position. A renewed planning application is then to be submitted.
Both Cllrs. Barrett and Guest had sent e-mails to First Connect and Andrew Lansley in connection with the cutting of hours at Meldreth Station.
483/08 Parish Facilities:
The Chairman read out a written report submitted by Cllr. Sherwen on the meeting held at SCDC with Jenny Clark and members of the Parish Council to discuss aspects of the leasing of Melbourn car park. Negotiations are continuing.

484/08 Police site in centre of village:
The e-mail received from Elly McKee informing the Council that the sale had not been complete on the expected date was discussed. The Clerk has been asked to write to Hundred Housing Association expressing the concern and continuing concerns of the Parish Council with regard to the sale of the land and the prospect of affordable housing being built in the centre of the village in a conservation area. It was felt that there would be strong objection to this taking place as there was land available elsewhere in the village for affordable housing. The Council felt that early discussions on this matter would lead to a happier outcome.
485/08 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC –
Orchard Road. Change of use from Dentist Surgery to residential. S/0392/93/F/NB. Planning application has now been withdrawn.
(b) SCDC –
12 New Road. Erection of one dwelling. S/1944/08/RM. The council hereby APPROVES details of reserved matters for access, layout and scale.
(c) SCDC –
76 Orchard Road. Alterations to Roof. S/2064/08/F. Permission Granted.
(d) SCDC –
Land West of 5 Stockbridge Meadows, Off Dolphin Lane. Change of use from Garden Land to Public Open Space and Public Open Space to Garden Lane. (retrospective Application). S/1652/08/F. Permission Granted.
There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
486/08 Planning Applications:
There were no planning applications received.
487/08 Correspondence:
E-mail from Mr Garwood – Dangerous Tree. Noted
Copy of letter from SCDC to Mr Garwood – Deem Consent for the cutting back of a Prunus tree to boundary of 7 Drury Lane. Noted
E-mail from Elly McKee – Cambs Police Housing Stock Transfer. Dealt with under Item 484/08.
There was no further correspondence received.
488/08 Urgent Matters:
There were no urgent matters.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.02pm.

PDF Planning Minutes 19 January 2009

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