Parish Council 25 February, 2013

<h2 style=”text-align: center;”>MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL<strong>
<p style=”text-align: center;”><strong>Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday,
25th February, 2013 at The Parish Office at 7.15pm.</strong></p>
<strong>Present: Cllrs. D.Mowatt (Chairman), M.Townsend, I. Bloomfield R. Gatward, J. Hales, M. Linnette, M. Sherwen, C. Stead, V.Barrett, K.Crosby and R.Tulloch</strong>
<b>In attendance: The Clerk, CCllr S.van de Ven and 4 members of the public</b>
<b>PC132/12 Apologies for absence:  </b>Cllrs Simmonett and Wakerley
<b>PC133/12 Declaration of Interest:
</b>Cllr Barrett declared a Non-Pecuniary Interest as a member of the SCDC Planning Committee.
Cllr Hales declared a Pecuniary interest in PC143/12 as a cheque recipient.
Cllr Bloomfield declared a Pecuniary interest in PC143/12 as an employee is a cheque recipient.
<b>PC134/12 Minutes of the meeting held on 28th<sup> </sup> January, 2013: </b>It was proposed by Cllr. Hales and seconded by Cllr. Sherwen that the minutes of the meeting held on 28<sup>th</sup> January 2013 be signed as a true record.
<b>PC135/12 Matters Arising: </b>PC120/12: re PC110/12: The matter regarding the Salt Spreaders is in hand.
<b>ACTION: The Clerk
<b>PC136/12  </b><b>To receive a report from CCllr S. van de Ven</b>
1.Street lighting: I don’t have to point out the unfinished work around the village.  This includes open trenches poorly protected from pedestrian traffic, with barriers that fall away easily, and poor coverings.  Some of the other problems reported: Neighbourhood Watch signs removed with columns in Dolphin Lane – this has been reported and I have been assured these will be returned.  Placing columns through trees is taking place (High St near London Way). The layout process takes place on computer screens and ticks the necessary boxes on contractually agreed criteria.
There have been some resolutions:  The new lighting column in front of the Coop was removed the next day following strenuous objections by Cllr Hales and me that this would be likely to be damaged.  A lighting column has been reinstated in Bramley Avenue following safety concerns and an incident of criminal damage during which the culprit could not be identified due to darkness. We are pursuing other similar unresolved casework.  In a couple of cases, shades have been fitted to new lamps causing light disturbance to bedrooms.
<i>This item led to a discussion about many of the problems already described and annotated. A main concern was the question of public liability in the event of a resident having an accident as a result of the work being undertaken. CCllr van de Ven was asked to write to the CEO to demand answers about the work and to ask for proof of public liability.</i>
2. Mud and surface water drainage, High St/Back Lane junction, road and footway:  This has been raised by a local resident and reported to Highways.
3. The A10 Corridor Cycling Campaign got off to an amazing start with a very strong showing from Melbourn.  A website is already established, and the group is meeting again March 12.  A significant proportion of interest has come from people who are cycling to work because it is the cheapest form of transport. The gentleman who wrote to Melbourn PC has offered a £100 donation toward the improvement of the M-R path and we are now talking to CCC about the possibility of restoring it.  Meanwhile the 2011 Census data is showing a high level of cycling in the A10 corridor between Royston and Cambridge and this has been picked up by the CCC transport strategy team in their work on prioritizing types of transport investment for the coming decades.
<i>The Clerk reported that he has written to Mike Cooper of Highways to express the council’s support for such a scheme.</i>
4.The Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group would like to thank Duke of Edinburgh volunteers, including two from Melbourn, who tidied up Meldreth Station gardens during a cold morning in half-term.  Meanwhile First Capital Connect, in the wake of its franchise extension by the Dept for Transport,  has offered the rail user group their very first ‘Community Rail Partnership’ which would mean some officer support at both FCC and CCC for the group’s work, and some extra clout in addressing the more difficult projects on our list, including disabled access from the Melbourn side of the station.  The Rail User Group meets next on 13 March, 7:30PM, at Meldreth Manor School.
5. Rat running in Dolphin Lane – I have had a complaint about this.
6. Difficulties around the All Saints Community Hall: The PSG brought together the various parties concerned and it is good to report that the situation appears to have improved. The CCC ‘Detached Youth Work’ coordinator attended the PSG meeting and was very helpful.  The MVC Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy also attended and had already taken the initiative to speak with other young people about the situation.  They reported back that young people are looking for a safe, well lit place to be together with friends.
<b>PC137/12 </b><b>To consider a request to invite the new Police Commissioner to meet the residents of Melbourn: </b>This request was considered by the council and it was decided to ask Mr Ray Pritchard to write to the commissioner to invite him to meet with the residents of Melbourn.
<b>PC138/12 </b><b>To consider adopting a new set of policies for Melbourn Parish Council: </b>The Clerk invited the council to consider 3 new draft policy documents submitted by Bridget Smith designed to facilitate applications for grant funding. The 3 policies are on Equal Opportunities, Green issues, and the Press and Media. After a discussion centring on the use of electronic media in meetings which the council remitted for consideration to the next meeting of the F&amp;G Committee, <b>IT WAS PROPOSED BY CLLR HALES AND SECONDED BY CLLR LINNETTE THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL ADOPTS THE THREE POLICIES SUBMITTED FOR ITS CONSIDERATION ON EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, GREEN ISSUES AND THE MEDIA. This was CARRIED.</b>
<b><i>[At this point, being 8.15p.m., the Chairman suspended Standing Orders to allow public participation (see Addendum). Standing Orders were resumed at 9.10p.m.]</i></b>
<b>PC139/12 </b><b>To consider a report from Bridget Smith re: grant funding: </b>The report was presented to the council by Cllr Hales who explained the work being done by Bridget Smith and the application to be submitted imminently. Other grant applications will follow and the initiative needs to be taken by the Management Group on procurement matters for the hub and any available grants associated with those.
<b>PC140/12 </b><b>To consider a request for £10,000 to be deposited with the Management Company for the Community Hub.</b>
After the Clerk advised the meeting that the Management Company required the money to be deposited with them as a pre-condition for making an application for Charitable Status to enable the new company to take control of the management of the hub, <b>IT WAS PROPOSED BY CLLR BARRETT AND SECONDED BY CLLR SHERWEN THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL DEPOSIT A SUM OF £10,000 WITH THE MANAGEMENT COMPANY FOR THE COMMUNITY HUB IN ORDER TO ALLOW IT TO APPLY FOR CHARITABLE STATUS AND MEET ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR THE HUB. This was CARRIED.</b>
<b>PC141/12 </b><b>To consider the calendar of meetings for 2013-14 </b>The Clerk presented the proposed calendar for consideration. Unfortunately, there were some errors which the Clerk will remedy and resubmit for consideration.
<b>ACTION: The Clerk</b>
<b>PC142/12: To receive Financial Reports</b>
<b>PC143/12: To receive details of cheques to be drawn on the Parish Council’s Account as detailed or amended by late payments. To approve payment and agree the amount(s) to be transferred from the Business ‘No Notice’ Account to the Current Account. </b>
<b>Start of year 01/04/12</b><b></b>
<b>Chequenu</b>  <b>Paid </b><b></b>
<b>mber</b>  <b>Tn. no</b>  <b>date</b>  <b>Gross</b>  <b>Vat</b>  <b>Net</b>  <b>Cttee</b>  <b>Supplier</b>  <b>Details</b><b></b>
103573  459  £65.00  £10.83  £54.17  CON  DRE Pest Control Ltd  Control of rats on the allotments
103574  462  £99.56  £0.00  £99.56  F&amp;GP  Tim Stebbings
litter picking Jan
103574  463  £81.00  £0.00  £81.00  F&amp;GP  Tim Stebbings  litter picking 25th Jan
103574  464  £160.59  £0.00  £160.59  F&amp;GP  Tim Stebbings  litter picking 2nd Feb
103574  480  £84.38  £0.00  £84.38  F&amp;GP  Tim Stebbings  Litter-picking 18.02.13
103574  490  £118.13  £0.00  £118.13  F&amp;GP  Tim Stebbings  litter picking 10th Feb
103574  £543.66  £0.00  £543.66
103575  465  £550.00  £0.00  £550.00  F&amp;GP  Melbourn Village College  rent for Jan
103576  466  £26.91  £2.69  £24.22  F&amp;GP  Phillimore Garden Centre  watering cans
103577  467  £303.30  £0.00  £303.30  F&amp;GP  Peter Simmonett  mileage allowance aug 2011 – present (hub)
103578  468  £344.25  £0.00  £344.25  F&amp;GP  Jose Hales  mileage allowance 785 x 0,45 (hub) Aug – present
103579  469  £495.00  £0.00  £495.00  F&amp;GP  All Saints’ PCC  money for repair of windows
103580  471  £594.00  £99.00  £495.00  CON  Cambridge Asbestos Removal  removal of asbestos from Stockbridge Meadows
103581  474  £286.93  £47.82  £239.11  F&amp;GP  Stationery Cupboard  paper, box files, cartridges
103582  475  £174.00  £29.00  £145.00  PLAY  Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited  Clear up fallen tree on Rec
103582  476  £54.00  £9.00  £45.00  PLAY  Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited  Over mark 1 pitch
103582  477  £54.00  £9.00  £45.00  PLAY  Herts And Cambs Ground Maintenance Limited  over mark 1 pitch
103582  £282.00  £47.00  £235.00
103583  479  £10.00  £0.00  £10.00  F&amp;GP  CAPS  Deduction from wages
103584  485  £640.00  £100.00  £540.00  F&amp;GP  Birketts  Professional charges
103585  486  £123.06  £0.00  £123.06  F&amp;GP  Michelle Cooper  reconciliation work
103586  487  £81.00  £0.00  £81.00  F&amp;GP  A. Mellor Attending meeting &amp; taking &amp; duplicating minutes
103587  488  £12.00  £0.00  £12.00  CON  Barbara MacKellar materials for 83, High Street
103588  489  £10,000.00  £0.00  £10,000.00  F&amp;GP  Melbourn Community Hub Management Group  Allocation of money for securing charitable status + costs
103589  491  £76.00  £0.00  £76.00  F&amp;GP  Edge Designs Ltd. VAT on invoice
103590  492  £50.00  £0.00  £50.00  F&amp;GP  Navigus Planning Ltd  subscription renewal
103591  493  £795.00  £0.00  £795.00  F&amp;GP  Bridget Smith Invoice for project development work
103592  494  £126.00  £0.00  £126.00  F&amp;GP  Alison Cockburn office clean, pavilion and litter pick
103593  495  £315.18  £0.00  £315.18  F&amp;GP  G.D. Squires  Wages
103593  496  £18.00  £0.00  £18.00  F&amp;GP  G.D. Squires mileage allowance 30 x 0.60
103593  £333.18  £0.00  £333.18
103594  497  £361.15  £0.00  £361.15  F&amp;GP  K. Rudge wages
103594  498  £24.00  £0.00  £24.00  F&amp;GP  K. Rudge  mileage allowance 40 x 0.60
103594  £385.15  £0.00  £385.15
103595  499  £834.48  £0.00  £834.48  F&amp;GP  P. Andrews  wages
103596  500  £1,346.21  £0.00  £1,346.21  F&amp;GP  Peter Horley  Clerk’s salary
103597  501  £779.06  £0.00  £779.06  F&amp;GP  HM Revenue &amp; Customs  tax &amp; NI
Total  £19,082.19  £307.34  £18,774.85
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £25,000 from the No Notice Account to the Current Account<i>. </i>
It was proposed by Cllr. Townsend that the cheques be approved and signed. Seconded by Cllr Sherwen and approved.
<b>PC144/12 Correspondence: None</b>
<b>PC145/12 </b><b>To consider recommendations from the Community Hub Subcommittee for detailing the arrangements for the opening of the Community Hub</b>
<b>PC146/12 </b><b>Urgent Matters: None</b>
<b>There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50 pm</b>
Members of MELDHAC gave an update to the meeting on the subject of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan with regard to sites H7 &amp; H8 in New Road, Melbourn. They went over the details and the analysis already lodged with SCDC Planning Officers. This analysis incorporated those comments separately lodged with SCDC Planning Department. The members expressed the view that the overwhelming evidence pointed towards rejection of the plans for H7 &amp; H8 despite some support for more housing in Melbourn but on more suitable sites and called for the support of the council in their its campaign. This was supported although it was stressed that MELDHAC should continue to front the campaign and prepare, with the help of the council, for the next phase of the consultation process which will begin in June. It was pointed out that there was no support for extending the village framework and that this had been supported by SCDC and by evidence in the Village Plan. The campaign group was thanked for its efforts.
<b>APPENDIX 1.</b>
The council discussed a recommendation from the Community Hub Subcommittee about the need to discuss the opening ceremony of the hub and the possibility of laying a Foundation Stone. It was felt that the Foundation Stone should be laid on behalf of TTP, given their contribution to the hub and the village in general. It was suggested that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge be invited to open the Community Hub and, failing that, our MP, Andrew Lansley. These suggestions are to be taken back to the Community Hub Subcommittee and the Management Group.

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council