Conservation Minutes 11 June, 2012

Melbourn Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of a Conservation Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 11th June, 2012 in the Parish Office at 8.25p.m.

Present: Cllrs. R. Gatward, A. Brett, J. Hales, A. Mulcock, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, D.Mowatt and M. Townsend.

Also present: The Clerk and The Ranger

CON/1/12: Apologies for absence: Cllr Crosby

CON/2/12: To Elect a Chairman: It was proposed by Cllr Townsend THAT CLLR GATWARD BE ELECTED AS CHAIRMAN OF THE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE; seconded by Cllr Hales. There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLLR GATWARD WAS DULY ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE.

CON/3/12: To Elect a Vice-Chairman: It was proposed by Cllr Townsend THAT CLLR HALES BE ELECTED AS VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE; seconded by Cllr Simmonett. There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLLR HALES WAS DULY ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE.

CON/4/12: Declarations of Interest: Cllr Hales declared a Personal Interest in Item17/12 as he is an allotment holder.

CON/5/12: Minutes of the meeting of 1Oth April. 2012: It was proposed by Cllr Hales, seconded by Cllr Sherwen and agreed that the minutes of the meeting of 10th April, 2012 were a true record of the meeting.

CON/6/12: Matters arising:

779/11. The water installation was there for the fair. Cllr Mulcock has investigated the installation of an electricity supply. As this is not urgent, the proposal was postponed for the moment

800/11. The Clerk is waiting to hear from Highways. Cllr Sherwen asked that he might accompany anyone who comes to inspect the trees.

798/11: The Clerk has written to Mr Wedd.

805/11: At a recent meeting of the St George’s Allotment Association, support for the suggestion of handing over the total running of the allotments to the Allotment Association was expressed.

Cllr Mulcock reported a conversation he has had with some allotment holders who had expressed dissatisfaction that the allotments were being run by a small clique. Cllr Hales stated that he understood that allotment holders who were not members of the St George’s Allotment Association need to have their own insurance as the Public Liability Insurance held by the Parish Council only covers the track between the access track and the pathways between each allotment. After a brief discussion, The Clerk was asked to check with Came & Company concerning the nature and extent of the Public Liability Insurance.

The Clerk was asked to contact Stephen Larcombe about writing a new Tenancy Agreement which obliges all allotment holders to have personal insurance.
ACTION: The Clerk

CON/7/12: Income and Expenditure Report: This was noted.

CON/8/12: To consider carrying out a tree survey: Cllr Gatward said that there was a need to carry out a tree survey to determine which tree are the responsibility of the Parish Council and which ones are the responsibility of SCDC, CCC and other bodies. This was accepted by the committee. Cllrs Mulcock and Simmonett to work with Cllr Gatward to carry out a survey.
ACTION: Cllrs Gatward, Mulcock and Simmonett.

CON/9/12: To consider the woodland on Royston Road: The Clerk reported that he has not received a reply to his request to carry out a valuation of the woodland. The committee agreed that a valuation ought to take place and the Clerk will arrange it. Cllr Hales to talk to the tree officer about this particular woodland.
ACTION: The Clerk, Cllr Hales.

CON/10/12: To consider replacing the fence and noticeboard at the Co-op car park.
A discussion took place about the state of the fence, the noticeboard, the bollards and the general environment around the Co-op. Cllr Mowatt is to initiate talks with the Co-op about these matters.
ACTION: Cllr Mowatt.

CON/11/12: To consider priorities, 2012-13: Cllr Gatward raised the question of the provision of better fencing. It was agreed that the Clerk should seek quotes for fencing at 83, High Street and Worcester Way.
The need for the provision of signs on the Fields-in-Trust sites was also expressed.
ACTION: The Clerk

CON/12/12: To consider quotes for pest control: The committee considered quotes from Able Group and Pestokill. After a discussion, it was agreed that maintenance of Stockbridge Meadows should be entrusted to Les Brierley and Les Sullivan with the provisos that they work together, publish times when maintenance will be carried out, ensure that more than one person is present, notices put up in the car park, gates closed and residents backing on to Stockbridge Meadows are informed.

The question of the need for rabbit-proof fencing in New Road Cemetery was remitted to the Cemetery Working Party.

The need for Parish Council signs at each site was stressed. The Clerk to contact all Chairmen of committees to see what is required.

CON/13/12: To receive an update on Stockbridge Meadows:

[Cllr Sherwen left the meeting at 10.14p.m]

After discussion with the power suppliers, it has been agreed that de-silting will take place across the length of the meadows down towards the mill. In addition, the machinery used will be available for the improvement of the flow of the river around the walkway. The power company will carry out further planting of trees and tree-protection measures. The Bamboo canes have been ordered for part of this work.

There is an on-going need to fill in the rabbit holes which is being carried out by the Ranger and the volunteers. This should be done at least once a week.

There is a need to establish the rules and regulations for the use of Stockbridge Meadows as a matter of some urgency and for these to be displayed.

CON/14/12: To consider the use of Young Offenders: Cllr Gatward requested that the Young Offenders team be used to work on the Old recreation ground. The Ranger expressed some disquiet about this but was reassured that all the supervision would be undertaken by the Youth Offending Team. Cllr Hales to speak to the tree officers about the deployment of Young Offenders.
ACTION: Cllr Hales

CON/15/12: Correspondence:

(a) The letter from Ray Pritchard was unavailable;

(b) E-mail concerning rules and regulations re: Stockbridge Meadows covered under CON/13/12.

CON/16/12: To receive a report from the Ranger:
The Ranger reported the need to remove the fallen willow tree from the Recreation Ground, the cherry tree next to the phone box and the dead tree in Armingford Crescent. The Clerk to inform Shire Tree Surgery.
ACTION: The Clerk.

CON/17/12: To consider any matters concerning the village allotments: Already dealt with.

CON/18/12: To consider any urgent matters: None.

There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.35p.m.


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