Planning Meeting 15 October, 2012


Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.

Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 15th October, 2012 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.

Present: Cllrs. K.Crosby, M.Sherwen, J. Hales, P.Simmonett, R.Tulloch, R.Gatward, D.Mowatt and R.Wakerley
In Attendance: The Clerk
PL/83/12 Apologies for Absence: None
PL/84/12 Declaration of Interests:

PL/91/12(b): Cllrs Simmonett and Sherwen declared an interest on the grounds that they know the applicant.

PL/85/12 Minutes of the meeting held on 1st October, 2012: It was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen, seconded by Cllr. Hales and agreed that the minutes of 1st October, 2012 should be signed as a true record. This was carried.
PL/86/12 Matters Arising: 

PL/78/12: The Clerk has written to Jenny Clark, Lands Officer, SCDC, with regard to the council’s views regarding 56, Bramley Avenue;

PL/81/12: The Clerk has received a reply from Wayne Stewart, Highways Tree Manager, CCC, with regard to the Clerk’s letter to him concerning the willow tree outside Mr Chappell’s property, 1, Dickasons. The reply outlines Highways policy towards trees but misunderstands the point in the Clerk’s letter regarding funding for the removal of the willow tree; the Clerk has e-mailed back reiterating that the money for the removal of the tree will come from his Highways budget for tree works in 2012-13 and not from the Parish Council’s budget.

The committee stressed the importance of completing the village tree survey and the need to use the mapping tool which will shortly be available from the insurers. Cllr Tulloch said that the council should treat matters concerning trees on a case by case basis.

Some concern was expressed about the tree on the Cross. The Clerk to investigate the ownership of that piece of land and whether or not the Parish Council ought to purchase it in order to preserve the street scene.

ACTION: The Clerk
PL/87/12 Village Car Park: Cllr Sherwen reported that the demolition of the garages would be carried out in the week beginning 29th October which coincides with half-term by Purplerecycling. The bids for the fencing have been passed on to Jenny Clerk, Lands Officer, SCDC. After demolition, the site will be made secure whilst the fencing is being done, to protect the Safer Route to School and to enable the contractors for the hub to use the car park.

Longer term plans for the refurbishment of the car park are being discussed in the Car Park Working Party and will be submitted to the Police Liaison Team for its comments.

ACTION: Cllr Sherwen and the Car Park Working Party
PL/88/12 To report any further developments in connection with the Police site in the centre of the village.

Cllr Hales reported that work would start on the demolition of the site and the laying of the new drainage system shortly, legal matters permitting.

Cllr Tulloch asked Cllrs Hales and Simmonett to come and talk about the hub to the Melbourn Business Association in December. This was discussed and considered to be premature given the possibility of legal challenges to the project. If building work begins, a meeting in the New Year of the MBA will be targeted.

Cllrs Hales and Simmonett reported the offer of a large donation to the hub project from a local business. After a discussion, it was agreed, in the interests of transparency and the need for communication to all councillors, that this matter should be placed on the agenda of the next Parish Council meeting.

PL/89/12 Deed of Dedication registrations:

Cllr Simmonett reported that the council is still awaiting decisions on Worcester Way from Metropolitan, from the Church Commissioners on the Old Recreation Ground, and on discussions with Cambridgeshire County Council with regard to the back field of Melbourn Village College.

ACTION: Cllr Simmonett
PL/90/12 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:

(a) Notification granting permission for an extension of the time for the implementation of planning permission at 15, Chalkhill Barrow, Melbourn SG8 6EQ on behalf of Mr Michael Mahoney S/0934/09/F was noted.

(b) Notification granting permission for side extension to bungalow to form a garage and conversion of the existing garage at 6, Moat Lane, Melbourn SG8 6EH on behalf of Mr & Mrs Blows S/1620/12/FL was noted.

(c) Notification granting permission for the addition of a second storey with pitched roof and dormer window above existing single storey rear extension at 2, Fordham Way, Melbourn on behalf of Mr & Mrs R.Carter S/1262/12/FL was noted.

PL/91/12 Planning Applications:

(a)   Planning application for the erection of a play barn at Bury Lane Fruit Farm, Bury Lane, Meldreth SG8 6DF on behalf of E.W.Pepper Ltd S/1984/12/FL was commented on without any recommendation: the comments stated: ‘The extra traffic that will obviously ensue following the erection of the play barn does cause concern re: access; the poplar trees which formerly screened existing buildings have been severely reduced to a very low level.

(b)    [At this point Cllr Simmonett and Sherwen left the meeting on the grounds that they know the applicant]. Application to undertake work on trees situated in a conservation area at 3, Cross Lane, Melbourn on behalf of Mrs H.Docwra was recommended for approval without comment.[At this point Cllrs Simmonett and Sherwen returned to the meeting].

PL/92/12 Correspondence:

(a) The committee considered an e-mail from Mike Cooper, Cambridgeshire Highways, with regard to the request from Mr Jason Usher to abandon the unofficial layby in Cambridge Road beyond the entrance to Cherry Park Industrial Estate. After a brief discussion IT WAS PROPOSED BY CLLR SIMMONETT AND SECONDED BY CLLR TULLOCH THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE AFOREMENTIONED PROPOSAL. This was CARRIED by 5 votes to 2. The Clerk to write to Mike Cooper conveying the decision.

ACTION: The Clerk

(b) The committee considered a letter from Charles Swain, Enforcement Officer, Planning and New Communities, SCDC, regarding a dispute between neighbours with regard to high hedges under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act, 2003. The committee expressed its hope that the dispute could be settled amicably with the assistance of the Enforcement Officer. The Clerk to reply to the letter

ACTION: The Clerk
PL/93/12 Urgent matters:

(a) Cllr Sherwen raised the question of the new street allocation for councillors and asked for clarification as to the role of councillors on this matter. The Clerk to e-mail councillors with a summary of what is expected and will expect a nil return. All communication with residents should be carried out through the Clerk.

ACTION: The Clerk
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.52p.m.

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