Planning Meeting 5 December, 2011



Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.
Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 5th December, 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. Sherwen (Chair), J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock, J.Poley, R. Gatward, R.Wakerley
In Attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Barrett and 1 member of the public.
523/11            Apologies for Absence: Cllr Simmonett
524/11            Declaration of Interests: None
525/11            Minutes of the meeting held on 21st November, 2011:
(a)   486/11: Line 15 delete ‘the whole area to be tarmacked, including..’: Insert ‘the area in front of the garages to be tarmacked’.
(b)  493/11: Delete: ‘Cllr Hales raised the issue of the access round the back of Mr Mutty’s old house’: Insert ‘Cllr Hales raised the issue of the accss to No 82 at the entrance of 80 High Street’
It was proposed by Cllr Mulcock and seconded by Cllr Hales that the minutes of 21st November should be signed as a true record. This was carried.
526/11            Matters Arising:
(a)   492/11; The Clerk has replied to Mr Purbrook’s e-mail. He has not, as yet contacted Andrew Phillips. Cllr Barrett reported that she had seen him to discuss the matter but is still awaiting his formal response.
(b)  493/11: The Clerk reported that he had been in touch with Debra Bell, Enforcement Officer, who had reported that the satellite dish has been removed from the front of the Co-op and that Greenlow was applying for planning consent. The Clerk discussed the matter of the entrance to Mr Mutty’s old house but will need to get back to her with the planning application reference.
527/11            Village Car Park
Cllr Sherwen reported that he has now clarified the quotations with the contractors and has received a quote from Pro-Scape. The quotes are as follows:-
(a)   Pro-Scape: £33,261.30 +VAT;
(b)  BSV+AVR: £29,830 +VAT;
(c)   Timotay: £30,214.25 +VAT
(d)  Land Structures: £56,205.17
The quotation from Land Structures was discounted due to its high cost and the other three were discussed. Cllr Mulcock presented a breakdown of the 3 quotes in a comparison chart which he had prepared. He was thanked for all the work he had done on this. Concerns were raised about several aspects of the specification, especially some of the materials to be used. Cllr Sherwen asked members of the committee to look at the specifications and quotes and get back to him before the next meeting. Cllrs Mulcock and Sherwen to prepare a schedule for the committee and distribute to all.
528/11            Police Site
Cllr Poley reported that an article has appeared in the Melbourn Magazine and that this would be the first of many articles to regularly appear over the next two years until the development is complete. The Community Hub Sub-committee produced a report for the month of November which was presented to the Full Parish Council meeting of 28th last. A draft of the Design and Access Statement had been received and would be discussed at the next Community Hub Sub-committee scheduled for 6th December. Draft Heads of Terms have been passed to our solicitor who had replied and had meet with representatives of the sub-committee. They were going down the road of producing a User requirement Statement. Cllr Poley has talked to the architects in order to prepare the Briefing Document which is now available and will be discussed at the meeting on the 6th. It will need to be sent to the architects on Wednesday. A meeting has been scheduled with the Quantity Surveyor for 13th December. Cllr Sherwen has taken the postit notes from the last sub-committee meeting, arranged them into categories and will present them at the meeting on the 6th. Cllr Sherwen thanked the sub-committee for all the work it was doing.
The meeting heard from a representative of the residents of the police site. The representative is to write to the council with some issues the residents have with 100 Houses. The Parish Council will receive these and act accordingly.
529/11            Deed of Dedication registrations: None
530/11 To consider Section 106 arrangements for 9, The lawns, Melbourn and Mulberry Hall, 80, High Street Melbourn.
The Clerk reported on a conversation he had had with Jane Gifford, S106 Implementation Officer regarding the criteria used in the allocation of 106 money for the two and subsequent sites. She explained that the money allocated for Public Open Spaces was based on the number of bedrooms in a property; the money for community facility space on the number of community facilities in the village. The Clerk felt that the database on which these funds were allocated needed updating.-, especially given the commitment to the community hub project The committee enumerated the Public Open Spaces and Community facilities and the Clerk will convey these to Jane Gifford.
531/11 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Notification granting tree works at 81, High Street Melbourn C/11/40/70. The concerns raised by the committee last time have now been addressed by the Tree Officer and the Tree Surgeon and resolved;
(b) Notification of an amendment for change of use of area of land from agricultural to residential and proposed new car port at West Barn, Grange Farm, New Road, Melbourn SG8 6BX on behalf of Mr Colley was noted.
532/11            Planning Applications:
(a) Application to undertake work on trees situated in a Conservation Area on behalf of Mr Brett, 44 High Street Melbourn SG8 6DZ and the agent Mr F. Cantle, Shire Tree Surgery C/11/40/070 was approved without comment.
(b) Application for the Removal and Variation to condition 2 and 8 to allow the the insertion of roof lights at Springfield, Fowlmere Road, Melbourn SG8 6EZ on behalf of Mrs Maxine Blyth S/2351/11 was approved without comment.
533/11 Correspondence: None
534/11            Urgent matters: None
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.52 p.m.


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