Planning Meeting 19 September, 2011



Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Planning Meeting.

Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 19th September 2011 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. Sherwen (Chair), P. Simmonett, J. Hales, M. Linnette, A. Mulcock, R.Wakerley and R. Gatward
In Attendance: The Deputy Clerk, Cllr. Barrett and 2 members of the public.
328/11     Apologies for Absence: None
329/11     Declaration of Interests: Cllr Linnette declared a personal interest in 336/11 (a) as the property in question backs on to his own.
330/11     Minutes of the meeting held on 5th September, 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr. Simmonett, seconded by Cllr. Linnette and agreed that the minutes of 5th September, 2011 should be signed as a true record.
331/11 Matters Arising:
(a)    292/11 (b) The Deputy Clerk has received a reply from Hazel Frampton re: the Woodland off Royston Road agreeing to consider selling the woodland to the Council. SCDC has been approached about a viable price for the woodland. The proposed purchase is for the woodland only and not the rest of the field.
(b)          292/11 (c) The Deputy Clerk has received a reply from Mr Charles Swain in relation to the Co-op and in relation to 229/11 (a) in relation to Greenlow Kennels. Cllr Barrett will make contact with Mr Charles Swain on these matters.
332/11     Village Car Park
The committee considered the three quotes already opened and discussed last time from Timotay Playground Design and Construction, Pro-Scape and Land Structure Ltd. The Deputy Clerk’s comparison of the three quotes was discussed and concerns raised about the discrepancies between the quotes as a result of Land Structures Ltd’s inclusion of quotes for items not on the original specification. Cllr Linnette asked about what was known about each firm. Cllr Sherwen said that Land Structures Ltd had been associated with the project from the beginning because of their contacts with Huck Partnership. The other two firms are not familiar with the project. It was unclear whether or not the strip of land in front of the garages had been included in each quote. As a result of all these concerns, the committee felt it still could not make a decision and that the committee ought to rewrite the tender and submit it afresh to the firms. Cllr Mulcock asked that a date for the work to be undertaken should be included. Cllrs suggested the Easter holidays especially given the use made of the car park on the route to school.
333/11 Police Site
Cllr Hales reported that the consultation document had been delivered to the village with regard to the community building and that replies, either via the website were being collected and collated and kept in the Parish Office. The consultation period will close on 7th October, 2011. Cllr Linnette complained that he had not received his in Chapel Lane and that there had been some complaints from elsewhere. Cllrs Hales and Simmonett reported that they had been asking people in the village whether or not they had received the questionnaire and most had. Cllr Hales suggested that some villagers had perhaps thrown them away thinking they were junk mail although they had done their best to advertise the questionnaire and to place it in a large and clearly labelled envelope. Cllr Mulcock asked had we ( as a PC )  checked if it was ok for councillors to be reading and taking copies of at least some of  the responses, and commenting about the responses in public. Cllr Hales pointed out that the process had been approved by Cambridge ACRE and that the thoroughness of the process had been praised which was accepted by Cllr Mulcock. Cllr Sherwen agreed and said that the process is being properly conducted.
There were no other developments to report.
334/11 Deed of Dedication registrations:
The Deed of Dedication Application Form has been sent to Cambridge ACRE in respect of the New Recreation Ground with regard to the Queen’s Jubilee and that process was proceeding. The Clerk showed the committee the map and the deeds which have come through from the Archives. The plans go back to 1982 but do not include the Allotments. The application is therefore ready to be submitted to the Land Registry. Cllr Hales said that we will be able to demonstrate the continuing use and maintenance of the allotments over a long period of time and we should therefore be able to achieve partial registration. Cllr Simmonett said that we could do Deeds of Declaration for other sites in due course.
335/11 Notifications or Planning Consultation documents:
(a) Notification (for information only) of an Alternative Floor Layout at First Floor to S/1981/10/F with regard to Plot adjacent to 25 Station Road, Melbourn on behalf of Poulson Architecture. This was noted but the Deputy Clerk to append a letter asking whether the planning authority has taken into account the additional car spaces associated with the addition of an extra bedroom and whether or not the Community Infrastructure Levy is affected by the changes.
(b) Notification of refusal of permission for the Erection of 3 Dwellings, associated access, parking and landscaping at Land South-West of 50 Greengage Rise Melbourn SG8 6DS S/1298/11 for Taylor Wimpey South Midlands. This was noted.
[Cllr Linnette withdrew from the meeting at this point, 7.55p.m. whilst the next item was discussed]
336/11 Planning Applications:
(a)    Application for a single storey rear extension (to replace existing) and associated alterations at 9, Meeting Lane, Melbourn SG8 6AN on behalf of Mr & Mrs T & R Houghton & Wilson S/1324/11. Approved without comment.
[Cllr Linnette returned to the meeting at 8.03p.m.]
(b)   Application for Reconstruction of Entrance Walls (Revised Design) at 78, High Street, Melbourn SG8 6AL on behalf of Mrs Arabella White S/1786/11. Approved without comment.
337/11 Correspondence: None
338/11 Urgent matters:
(a)    The Deputy Clerk raised the issue of collecting an item from the Post Office for which the Office would be charged £1.22. This may be a returned village Consultation Form. The committee said the item must be collected.
(b)   It was  reported that the spreadsheet sent by the Deputy Clerk re; Allocation of Streets to Councillors would not open. The Deputy Clerk to re-do and send out.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10 p.m.


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