Planning Meeting 5 July, 2010



Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 5th July 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.

Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman),V.Barrett, R, Gatward, J, Hales, A. Mulcock, P. Simmonett and R. Wakerley,
In Attendance:  The Assistant Clerk

134/10     Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Brett, Hardingham, Linnette. Mowatt & the Clerk.
135/10     Declaration of Interests: None,
136/10     Minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Hales, seconded by Cllr. Barrett and agreed that the minutes of 21st June 2010 should be signed as a true record.
137/10     Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
138/10     Village Car Park:
A copy of the lease had been received from Linbach Banham and was to be passed to Cllr, Brett to review and report back to the next meeting of the Planning Committee.

139/10     Police site in centre of village:
A meeting with Hundred Housing Society/Iceni Homes had taken place on 1st July 2010. Cllr.Sherwen reported that there was more space for community facilities than currently being offered. The developers were to consider incorporating these on the ground floor of some of the buildings or something similar. They will report back in three to four weeks.
The Clerk was asked to contact SCDC Planning and Conservation Departments to both meet the Parish Council Planning Committee to discuss their views on future applications of this nature.

140/10 White House Farm:
Cllr. Barrett presented a report from the SCDC Planning Enforcement Officer who had visited the site. A copy is attached as an Addendum to these Minutes. The report did not comment on the large area of concrete base or the commercial activities on the site. These will be revisited.

141/10 Co-operative Store:
It was reported that the building work had nearly finished. The results will be reviewed when it has been completed.

142/10 Wind Farm at Heydon Grange: Nothing to report.

143/10     Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) 105 Beechwood Avenue. Extension. Permission Granted S/0766/10/F.
(b) Bridgefoot Quarry, Newmarket Road, Heydon. Part retrospective application for importation and deposit of inert waste for the purpose of re-grading and restoration to agricultural use. Permission Granted subject to eight conditions. S/00437/10/CW.
(c) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
144/10     Planning Applications:
(a) 72 High Street – Two storey side extension. Recommend Approval. S/0858/10/F.
(b)        White House Farm, Cambridge Road – Creation of new vehicular access. Recommend Refusal with comments:
This is a second application for access from Cambridge Road.
The dangers of this and the proximity of Fowlmere Road turning still exist.
There are two adequate accesses off the Fowlmere Road to this property. S/0894/10/F.
(c) Warren Lodge, Fowlmere Road – Extensions. Recommend Approval. S/1069/10/F.
(d)           Units A and B, 7 Mortlock Street – Use of premises as vets with ancillary residential above. No Recommendation. S/0860/10/F.
(e) Scratchings, Moat Lane – Extension. Recommend Approval. S/1015/10/F.
(f) 15 The Lawns – Dwelling. No Recommendation but concerns that this is infilling in an inappropriate area. S/1077/10/F. Cllr. Mulcock wished it to be recorded that he was against the application.
(g) There were no further planning applications received.
145/10     Correspondence:
(a) E-mail from Mike Cooper – Soak away in Kay’s Close. Noted.
(b) E-mail from Mr Morris – White House Farm vehicular access. Noted.
(c) Andrew Lansley CBE NP – Abolition of Regional Planning and Tackling Unauthorised Development. Noted.
(d) There was no further correspondence received.
146/10     Urgent Matters:
(a) Cllr. Barrett reported that under Planning Condition 3 for the Pocket Park in London Way it may be necessary to have a continuous review period in order to strengthen motorised bike prevention methods if required.
(b)           Cllr Barrett reported she had received an e-mail from SCDC Planning with regard to the Pocket Park/BMX trail. This requested a landscape plan and other details it was thought had been resolved. Cllr Barrett will pass the e-mail to Cllr. Hardingham.
(b) Cllr. Mulcock reported that he had read an article suggesting that ‘village spaces’ which had been in common use for more than 20 years could possibly been designated as Village Greens. Cllr Mulcock agreed to investigate further.

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm

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