Planning Meeting 2 August, 2010



Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 2nd August 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales and P. Simmonett.
In Attendance:  The Clerk, Mr Craig Peacock, chair of the Melbourn Primary School’s Premises Committee and two members of the public
208/10     Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Hardingham, Linnette, Mowatt, Mulcock and Wakerley.
209/10     Declaration of Interests: Cllr. Sherwen declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Items 218/10 “a” and “c”.
210/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward, seconded by Cllr. Simmonett and agreed that the minutes of 19th July 2010 should be signed as a true record.
211/10 Matters Arising:
Item 174/10 (Police site in the centre of the village) Cllr. Sherwen enquired if there had been a response from Iceni Homes.  The Clerk replied that as yet there had been no response.  She was asked to write to Iceni Homes requesting the revised designs and proposals.
Item 181/10 (a) (Urgent Matters) Cllr. Brettenquired if the Clerk had received the literature he had asked for when he spoke to Steve Thoday, who is charge of registrations.  As yet the literature had not been received.  The Clerk was asked to make this a separate agenda item in future entitled “Village Green Registrations”
Item 175/10 (White House Farm) Cllr. Hales reported that it had been confirmed by Planning that the access for the drive is in the wrong place.
Item 177/10 (Wind Farm at Heydon Grange) Cllr. Hales reported that Mr Sexton from Planning has not confirmed that information has been received and had still not answered Cllr. Hales’ e-mails on this matter.
212/10     Village Car Park:
Mr. Peacock addressed the meeting and said that the school would be interested in working with the Council on any plans for the car park.  He said there had been concerns raised by parents of the children using the safer routes to school due to safety issues with regard to having to make their way through the car park.
Cllr. Brett said it was the Council’s intention to safeguard the safer route to school through the car park.  The Consultant’s design brief will ensure that this route to school will be safe. It had been suggested that a portion of the car park be hived off and a coloured path be put down by the side of the boundary fence of No 43 High Street which would allow the children to walk in safety through the car park.
Mr. Peacock said the he was pleased that the Parish Council was going to work with the school on this matter and that the school would like to see the proposed plans.
Mr. Peacock reported that the school will not maintain the access for pupils from the main entrance.  This means that the children will have to use the other two access points, which are the safer routes to school through the car park and the entrance off Orchard Road.  The Mortlock Street entrance will only be used by visitors.
213/10     Police site in centre of village:
Concerns were raised by the two members of the public attending the meeting. The storm drain outlet at Kays Close, which should take away a lot of water from the High Street, is blocked.  Building on the Police site will remove a lot of the grassed area resulting in causing more water run-off into the High Street.
It was thought that an additional soak-away would be a good idea.  Re-instatement of the storm drain at the time of development would help with the flooding in the surrounding area.  They were very keen for new drainage to deal with storm water for the village.
Cllr. Hales asked that if the residents could plot the route of the soak-away it would be a great help.
214/10 White House Farm:
This matter had already been dealt with under Item 211/10.
215/10 Co-operative Store:
Cllr. Simmonett had spoken to the store manager and suggested that lorries contact the shop before delivering to ensure that there was sufficient parking space in front of the shop.  The manager will approach the delivery companies on this matter.
Photographic evidence had been taken with regard to multiple parking outside the store.  The manager requested a letter be sent to him with photographs, which he would then show to Head Offices.  He was well aware of parking by delivery lorries as he had been approached by a PCSO who had pointed out the danger of parking up to traffic lights.
Cllr. Hales felt the Co-operative store and Pharmacy were very important to the village but it did have its problems.
216/10 Wind Farm at Heydon Grange:
Cllr. Hales reported that Paul Sexton has not acknowledged receipt of any of the information sent to him.  The next meeting of the Action Group will be held on Tuesday 3rd August at Heydon Church commencing at 7.30pm.
217/10 Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC – 36 New Road.  Extensions.  S/0703/10/F.  Permission Refused.
(b) SCDC – 2 Cross Lane. Extension.  S/0846/10/F.  Permission Granted
(c) Delegation Form – 17 Greengage Rise.  Extension.  S/0713/10/F.  Permission Granted.
(d)  SCDC – 18 Beechwood Avenue.  Extension (to Extend the Time Limit for Implementation).  S/0822/120/F.  Permission Granted.
(e) Town and Country Planning Act 1990:  Section 191.
Certificate of Proposed Lawful use or development – Land at Springfield, Fowlmere Road, Melbourn.
(f) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
[Cllr. Sherwen having declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the next item left the room and the chair was taken by the Vice-chair, Cllr. Brett]
218/10     Planning Applications:
(a) Application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area.  78 High Street – Yew crown reduce by approximately 50/60%.  Client has young children and is very concerned about berries dropping into courtyard, which is one of their main recreational/usage areas.  Yew has extensive canopy overhanging to the courtyard.
On basis of amended application to fell tree – see email from Rosalind Richardson dated 28.7.10.  No comments.
[Cllr. Sherwen returned to the meeting and took back the chair]
(b) Application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area.  Bramley Lodge, Back Lane work to Ash tree to remove all deadwood this will result in the tree being lowered by about 15 feet and undergoing a crown reduction of around 25%.  No comments.
[Cllr. Sherwen having declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in the next item left the room and the chair was taken by the Vice-chair]
[ The Clerk declared a Personal Interest in the next two items  “c” and “d” and left the room.  The minutes were taken by Cllr. Hales]
(c) 35 Hale Close.  Three Dormers.  S/1114/10.  Recommend Approval.
[Cllr. Sherwen returned to the meeting and took back the chair]
(d) 10 Carlton Rise.  Erection of Garage following Demolition of Existing.  S/1168/10.  Recommend Approval.
[The Clerk returned to the meeting]
(e)        15a Fordham Way.  Extension.  S/1223/10.
This plan/amendment contradicts the approval given to S/0482/09/F which shows a totally different parking and access configuration.
This amendment is detrimental and restrictive to access for No 15.
Recommend Refusal.
(f) There were no further planning applications received.
219/10     Correspondence:
(a) Letter from Limbach Banham – The Old Recreation Ground.  Noted
(b) E-mail from Rosalind Richardson – Yew Tree at The Lodge.
The comments in this e-mail were noted at Item 218/10 (a)
(c) E-mail from Joanna Peek – work to fence between car park and 43 High Street.
Cllr. Brett reported on the site meeting held with the occupiers of No 43 High Street, Jenny Clark Lands Officer at SCDC and himself.  Repair work to the fence is to be carried out by SCDC within three months of the completion of the lease.
(d) Letter from Limbach Banham – Purchase of Recreational Ground.  Noted
(e) Letter from CCC – Minerals and Waste Plan.  Noted
(f)Letter from Mr & Mrs Ellis – concerns with regard to development of the Police Station site.
The Clerk is to write to Mr & Mrs Ellis
(g) There was no further correspondence received.
220/10     Urgent Matters:
(a) The Council has now been informed that in future the Mobile Library will be visiting once a month.  This visit will take place on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The first stop will be at John Impey Way from 11.40am to 12.10pm and then at Vicarage Close from 12.15pm to 12.45pm.
(b) All members of the Planning Committee were horrified, concerned and surprised that there will be no access for school children from the Mortlock Street entrance.
(c) The Clerk reported that she had been approached by a resident who wished to form a new football team and had requested the use of a pitch on the Recreation Ground on a Sunday.  This matter is to go to the full Parish Council meeting along with the matter reported by Cllr. Simmonett that one of the goal posts is a square shape and should be round.  The Clerk is to contact Cllr. Bloomfield, chairman of Play Areas, Recreation and Youth on both these points.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.58pm

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