Planning Meeting 16 August, 2010



Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 16th August 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales, A. Mulcock, P. Simmonett and R. Wakerley.
In Attendance:  The Clerk.
243/10   Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Hardingham and Linnette
244/10   Declaration of Interests: There were no declarations of interest.
245/10   Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd August 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward, seconded by Cllr. Hales and agreed that the minutes of 2nd August 2010 should be signed as a true record.
246/10   Matters Arising:
Item 220/10 (Urgent Matters) (c) Cllr. Gatward enquired if Cllr. Bloomfield had been informed of this matter.  The Clerk replied that Cllr. Bloomfield had been informed.
Item 219/10  (Correspondence) (c) Cllr. Gatward wanted the Clerk to inform the Council when this repair to the fence is carried out
Item 212/10 (Village Car Park It had been reported that the main access to the Primary School was to be used only by visitors. Cllr. Gatward requested that the Clerk ask C. Cllr van de Ven to investigate this as a matter of urgency.
Cllr. Gatward told the meeting that the car park entrance to the school was never meant for pedestrians only for dropping children off from cars.
Cllr. Hales has asked SCDC Planning department to check if it is correct that the main entrance to the school should be closed to children.
The Clerk was asked to write to heads of Planning at both SCDC and CCC with a copy to C. Cllr van de Ven, requesting clarification of the report from a Governor of Melbourn Primary School with regards to the closure of the main entrance, leaving only two entrances for children to access the school.
Item 220/10   (Urgent Matters) (c) Cllr. Simmonett requested that the matter of the goalposts be made an agenda item.  The Clerk had already made it an agenda item on the full Parish Council meeting agenda.
247/10   Village Car Park:
Cllr. Brett reported that the lease had been finalised.  The next step is to get on with the design.  The Design Consultants are to be asked to liaise with the Planning Committee and the Practical Solutions Group on this matter and a meeting is to be arranged.  Cllr. Brett is to look into a date for this meeting.  Cllr Sherwen thanked Cllr. Brett for his input into this project.
248/10   Police site in centre of village:
The Chairman read out the e-mail from Iceni Homes. Cllr. Hales was asked to enquire if a Planning and Conservation Officer would attend a Planning meeting to be held at the Parish Office as soon as possible.
249/10  White House Farm:
Cllr. Hales reported that Ros Richardson, the Tree and Landscape Officer, was to do a full assessment of the site.
250/10     Co-operative Store:
Cllr. Simmonett reported that lorries were still parking up to the traffic lights.  The Council is to monitor the situation for the time being.
251/10     Wind Farm at Heydon Grange:
Cllr. Hales reported that at the meting held on 3rd August in Heydon Church discussions were held on the structure of the committee.  A website has now been created.
The oil pipe line which runs diagonally through the proposed site may have a detrimental effect on the building of the wind farm.
252/10     Village Green Registrations:
Cllr. Brett had spoken to Steve Thoday who had promised to send a form 44 and guidance notes to the Clerk.  As these have not been received the Clerk is to request that these be sent electronically.
253/10   Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC – 34 Orchard Road.  Erection of wall.  S/0763/10/F.  Permission Granted.
(b) SCDC – White House Farm. Creation of New Vehicular Access.  S/0894/10/F.  Permission Refused.
(c) SCDC – Scratchings, Moat Lane. Extension.  S/1015/10/F.  Permission Granted.
(d) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
254/10   Planning Applications:
(a) Application to carry out Tree Works subject to a Tree Preservation Order or situated within a Conservation Area.  91 High Street – Removal of two trees a False Acacia and Acer Platerio, Crimson King that sit close/on boundary of property currently believed to be lifting neighbour’s patio.
The Committee have no objections, but would ask for the Tree Officer’s advice.
(b) There were no further planning applications received.
255/10   Correspondence:
(a) E-mail from Samantha Moor, Project Manager – Iceni Homes.  Police Site.
This e-mail had been dealt with under Item 248/10.
(b) There was no further correspondence received.
256/10   Urgent Matters:
(a) Cllr. Hales enquired if Councillors had seen the “Community right to Build” document.
(b) Cllr. Sherwen enquired if any progress had been made with regard to a new site for the Parish Office.  Cllr. Hales reported that at the present time sites were still being investigated.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm

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