Planning Meeting 15 March, 2010


Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday, 15th March 2010 at the Parish Office, 28 Station Road at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. M. Sherwen (Chairman), F. Benfield, A. Brett, R. Gatward, J. Hales,
D. Hardingham, M. Linnette and R. Wakerley.
In Attendance:  The Clerk
658/09                Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Barrett, Mowatt and Purbrook.
659/09                Declaration of Interests: None.
660/09                Minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward and seconded by Cllr. Hales that the minutes of 1st March 2010 should be signed as a true record.
661/09                Matters Arising:
Item 627/09 (Police site in centre of village) Cllr. Sherwen enquired if a letter had been received from Andrew Lansley.  No letter had been received.  The Clerk reported that as requested she had contacted Andrew’s secretary, Mary who had informed her that she was looking into SCDC Planning Documents on Affordable Housing.
Item 628/09 (Village Car Park) Cllr. Gatward told the meeting that the shrubs had been cut down and the flower beds had been dismantled to satisfy people living in the surrounding area who had complained about the state of them.  Cllr. Brett reported that two Car Park Designers were coming to give a presentation to The Problem Solving Group in approximately a week’s time.  Some very good ideas had already been put forward by the public for the soft and hard landscaping of the area.
Cllr. Hales though that when raised planters were erected in the car park thought must be given with regard to the watering needs.  The idea was voiced that there could be a provision made for a water pipe which, when not in use, could be locked away.  It was thought that there must be a water connection to the car park from when there was a toilet block on the site.
662/09                Village Car Park:
Cllr. Brett had spoken to Mr Larcombe and had been told that the draft lease, with its amendments, had been sent to SCDC Legal Department.
Cllr. Hales would like the matter of funding for the Safer Routes to School to be looked into. Cllr. Hales offered to do this.
663/09                Police site in centre of village: There were no further developments to report at the moment.  Cllr. Linnette took the opportunity to request that Councillors cut out any articles in the local papers with regard to reports on Melbourn and pass them on to him.
664/09 White House Farm: It was reported that the drainage ditch by the roadside had been filled in.  Cllr Hales will contact Mike Cooper and ask his opinion on this matter.
665/09 Co-operative Store:
All the bollards have now been replaced outside the Co-operative Store.
As Cllr. Barrett was away at the present time the Clerk is to contact D. Cllr. Guest to request an update on the problems with the street scene.
666/09                Notifications and Planning Consultation Documents:
(a) SCDC – Bury Lane Fruit Farm.  Alterations and Extension to Roof to Form Enclosure over Existing Covered Area.  S/1922/09/F. Permission Refused.
(b) SCDC – 91 High Street.   Extensions and Alterations.  S/0026/10/F.  Permission Granted.
(c) There were no further Notifications or Planning Consultations received.
667/09                Planning Applications:
(a) 94 High Street.  Demolish existing garage & replace with single garage, workshop, craftroom, WC, sun room and car port.   S/1910/09/F. Planning application has been amended.  Amended Plans to show increase in ridge height of outbuilding to 3.7m, side hung doors and full elevation to car park. For information only.
(b)           There were no further planning applications received.
668/09                Correspondence:
(a) Copy of letter to Jenny Clark, Lands Officer SCDC – Repairs to close boarded fence – Boundary to 43 High Street and Village Car Park. Noted
(b) Letter, invoice and registration document from Mr Larcombe – with respect to Grinnell Hill.  Noted.
(c) There was no further correspondence received.
669/09                Urgent Matters: Cllr. Hales reported that the owners of 38 The Moor, who in the past had written to the Council expressing their intentions of erecting a fence between their land and the Old Recreation Ground, had now carried out this work. Cllr. Hales thought this had been carried out to a high standard.
Cllr. Sherwen felt that the problem brought to the Council’s attention at the meeting on 1st March by a resident of the village, should be monitored. He felt that the Council should be kept aware of this or any other similar situations in the parish.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm

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