Parish Council 22 August, 2011



Draft Minutes subject to formal ratification at the next Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 22nd August 2011 at All Saints’ Community Hall at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), V. Barrett, I. Bloomfield, R. Gatward, J. Hales,
M. Linnette, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, C. Stead, M. Townsend and R. Wakerley.

The Chair was taken by the Vice-Chairman.

In attendance:  The Clerk, Deputy Clerk and 8 members of the public.
266/11 Apologies for absence:   Cllr. Mulcock and C. Cllr. van de Ven
267/11 Declarations of Interest: Cllr. Sherwen declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in Item 280/11 as he is a cheque recipient.

268/11 Minutes of the meeting held on 25th July 2011:
It was proposed by Cllr. Simmonett and seconded by Cllr. Sherwen that the minutes of 25th July be signed as a true record.

269/11 Matters arising: Cllr. Hales said that there was not an item on the agenda, as requested in the minutes of 25th July, for the setting up of new Bank Accounts.  This will be discussed under Item 280/11.

270/11 To receive the Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 1st and 15th August 2011:
1st August:  There were no comments.
15th August: There were no comments.

271/11 To consider applications for co-option to the Parish Council:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward that ALAN BRETT BE CO-OPTED TO THE PARISH COUNCIL.  Seconded by Cllr. Stead and CARRIED.

It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward that JOHN POLEY BE CO-OPTED TO THE PARISH COUNCIL.  Seconded by Cllr. Stead and CARRIED.
The Vice-Chairman welcomed Cllrs. Brett and Poley and having signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office, both took their seats at the table.

[Cllrs. Brett and Mowatt declared a Personal Interest in the next item as they both live on the High Street.]
272/11 Police Site:
Cllr. Hales discussed the meeting held by Hundred Houses Society who informed him that they had received 100% of their four year funding bid.  They can now move forward with their building programme.  Cllr. Hales was asked if an application had been made to the Public Loans Board by the Council and he advised them that as yet the Council had not applied for this.  Hundred Houses Society said that it needed a legal agreement from the Council before it will go any further with plans for a Community Hub.
If the Council applies to the Public Loans Board there is a process called borrowing approval which will show the Parish Council’s credit worthiness.  Any funds given need to be drawn down within a 12 month period.
The design and size of the building had been talked about and there were two options, either a single story which it was decided would come too close to the road.  A 1½ storey building would be preferred and the layout will be discussed with the architect.
It will be 10 weeks before the planning application for the site is submitted and work should start in June/July next year at the latest.
A consultation period for the residents of the village of not less than 4 weeks is needed.  If the Parish Council does not submit its plans to Hundred Houses Society for a Community Hub in the next 10 weeks the Hundred Houses Society will go ahead and build house/flats in the place of the Hub. A consultation letter is to go to every house in the village.  A company will be employed to print and distribute this letter which is hoped will go out by 4th September.
Iceni Homes, the developers for Hundred Houses Society, will send out 5 tenders for the work.  It was confirmed that the price quoted for the building of the Community Hub also includes the purchase of the land and the frontage to the road.
The building would be zero-rated.  If, once the paper work was signed for the zero rates, the building was then used for gain, VAT would be have to paid on the full purchase price.  The building is being built at cost as Iceni Homes are not allowed to charge a higher price.
Once built the building would be run by a management committee.
The Architect expressed an eagerness to be involved with the internal design project. At the next meeting the Architect is to be asked for a projection of costs.
Hundred Houses Society will hold one day public consultation and exhibition for the village in November.
Cllr. Mowatt felt it would have been better if the public consultation and the exhibition had been taken place before the consultation letter had been delivered to all houses in the village as he felt that with no visual plans it would be harder to make a decision.
Cllr. Brett enquired whether the letter was actually asking the residents for consent as such, or merely for an opinion.
Cllr. Brett was a bit worried about the time scale and felt that a working group would be required with authority to instruct solicitors when they think appropriate owing to the timescale.  Cllr. Hales would like the small group of councillors to form a sub- committee.  All members of the council would be kept informed of the process.
The Council agreed that the sub-committee take this project forward.
It was further agreed that the said sub-committee would produce a ‘Community form’ as presented to the council, to be distributed to every household in the village.
This form would be sent to the council for reference.
The council thanked the committee for their hard work and efforts.


Cllr. Hales talked about applying to SCDC for dispensation for the whole Council.  Cllr. Brett will look into this matter.

[The Chairman suspended Standing Orders at 8.20 p.m]
[The Chairman resumed Standing Orders at 8.30 p.m]

273/11 Metal fence and gate at the Old Recreation Ground:

274/11 LAP:
Amanda Sapsford the Business manager for MVC was looking into the possibility of asbestos in the building. She was also in possession of a letter addressed to a member of the LAP committee which states that when the time comes the CCC will be responsible for the demolition and removal from site of the building.

275/11 Work schedule and costing for Pavilion upgrade:
Cllr. Bloomfield is to source funding for the decorating of the internal walls and the external front wall of the building.
Quotes received for electrical work will be dealt with at the Play Areas, Recreation and Youth meeting to be held on 12th September.

276/11 Quotations for the Repairs to the Bus Shelter:
Cllr. Sherwen has asked for three quotes and these will be dealt with at the meeting of the Highways and Rural Footpaths Committee meeting on 12th September.

277/11 Report from C. Cllr Susan van de Ven
1. Thanks to the parish council for agreeing to cover the cost of room hire for All Saints for the community transport coffee morning September 29th.
2.  Residents who use the 26 bus to Cambridge have been perplexed about connections in Trumpington for Addenbrookes, now that the Guided Bus has started running to Addenbrookes from Park and Ride. The 26 stops not at Park and Ride, but just outside the petrol station/wine merchants.  Park and Ride is a significant walk away.  The way to connect from the 26 stop in Trumpington High Street is via the Citi 7, which runs every 20 minutes and takes you to the Addbks bus terminal.  At the hospital, one can connect to the ‘A’ service which circulates throughout the Addbks site.  Best ticket to buy is the Day Rider Plus.
3.  Pressures on the voluntary sector – many examples continue to come to attention; including this one:  Care Network’s grant funding from government has been restored following the threat of judicial review, but funds run through the county council, and the county council has not released them – am chasing.
4.  I’ve had a concerned resident contact me about the state of the entrance to MVC and will chase that up via the college.
5.  County Council confirms that the dropped kerb work WILL be done in Melbourn, this month. Thanks again to the parish council for all the hard work two years ago on identifying where dropped kerbs needed.

278/11 Audited Annual Return:
The Council noted the remarks made by the External Auditor.  In view of these comments it was agreed to ring fence an extra £150,000 to be added to the £100,000 already ring-fenced for community projects.

279/11 Financial Report as at 31st July:  Noted
280/11 Cheques to be signed:  <click on icon to view>

The Clerk recommended the transfer of £34,300 from the Business No Notice Account to the Current Account.
It was proposed by Cllr. Wakerley that the cheques be approved and signed, seconded by Cllr. Stead and Carried.
Cllr. Sherwen did not vote on this matter as he was a cheque recipient.

281/11 Correspondence:
(a) Letter from SCDC – Recycling.
The Clerk will contact SCDC informing it that the Council does not wish to have a textile bank.  She is to point out that the owners of Saxon Way may give permission for a bank to be situated there.
(b) CCC – Maintenance of protected road verges in your parish.
The Clerk was asked to write to CCC requesting a plan of the areas S24 and S46 showing the extent of the ownership by CCC.  She is also to inform them that Melbourn Parish Council will take over the cutting of these protected road verges.
(c) Letter from Linda Baker – To reconsider the decision made to not allow reservations of graves in New Road cemetery.
The Clerk is to write to Linda informing her that the Parish Council, although sympathetic to her request, does not allow any reservations in New Road Cemetery.  However, at the present time it has no plans to allocate the spaces between graves.
(d) E-mail from Rob Mungovan – Meeting on 11th October.
The Conservation meeting is now to be held on Wednesday 12th of October.
The Clerk will inform Maureen Brierley of this change of date.
(e) Letter from Land Registry – Land at Orchard Road, Melbourn.
The Clerk is to supply Cllr. Brett with all the paperwork in connection with this application.
(f) E-mail from Ros Richardson – London Plane Trees.  Noted.

[As the time was approaching 10.00 p.m. it was proposed by Cllr. Hales and seconded by Cllr. Simmonett that the meeting continue until 10.15 p.m.]
(g) E-mail from Richard Springall – Signage.
There did not seem to be a suitable site other than the side of Leeches building where the present sign is.
The Clerk is to inform Richard that the URC and Baptist Churches are waiting to see what CCC recommends.
(h) E-mail from Sharon Camilletti – Lack of facilities and opportunity for Adult Community Education in Melbourn.
The Clerk is to write to Sharon and ask her to write to Comberton Village College, which will be the lead partner in the Federation when Melbourn Village College becomes an academy.  Comberton Village College is already hiring All Saints’ Community Hall to run two adult daytime classes.
(i) Letter from Claire Robson – Commemorative Tree and Hedge Planting – Diamond Jubilee.
Cllr. Gatward will deal with this matter.

[As the time was approaching 10.15 p.m. it was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen and seconded by Cllr. Hales that the meeting continue until 10.30 p.m.]
(j) Letter from Chris Collison – Parish Training and Information Sessions regarding Planning – Session 4 – Tuesday 25 October 2011.
The Clerk is to inform Chris that Cllrs. Linnette, Sherwen and Simmonett will attend this meeting.
(k) E-mail from Mr Larcombe – Village Plan Constitution. Noted
(l) Letter from Iceni Homes – Melbourn Community Centre.
This has already been dealt with under Item 272/11.
(m) There was no more correspondence received.

282/11 Cemetery & Churchyard Inspection Report:
This item was not dealt with.

283/11 New Road Cemetery:
Cllr. Sherwen spoke about the official open day to be held on 17th September and asked for offers of help on the day.
The programme on Look East on Thursday evening explained the history behind the Anglo Saxon remains, which will be returned to the village for re-burial next year.

The following items were not dealt with due to lack of time.

284/11 Village Car Park:

285/11 BMX Trails:

286/11 Neighbourhood Panel:

287/11 Committee Reports:
(a) Cemetery
(b) Conservation
(c) Any Urgent reports from Committee Chairmen

288/11      Urgent Matters:
The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.30 p.m.

Addendum to the Full Parish Council meeting of 22nd August 2011

A resident of the village addressed the meeting and said he was concerned by the fact that the refuse collectors were leaving his bins side by side in the middle of the pavement which was causing a problem to pedestrians.  Cllr. Hales will take this matter up with SCDC.
A resident of the village enquired if the consultation would include the views of residents near the site and whether the exhibition will cover only the community hub or the whole development, as he wanted everyone to have a voice.  He was informed that it would cover the whole development.
Mr Ray Pritchard one of the Tree Wardens to the Council was very happy with the information received from Mr Grimmer, the Woodland Trust and the Tree Council.

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council