Parish Council 23 February, 2009


Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 23rd February 2009 at Vicarage Close Community Centre at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman), V. Barrett, I. Bloomfield, C. Charter, J. Guest, R. Gatward, D. Hardingham, A. Kulina, M. Linnette, J. Robson, M. Sherwen, C. Stead and M. Townsend.
In attendance: The Clerk, C. Cllr D. McCraith, Mrs Kirstin Bicknell (Art Development Manager) and one member of the public
557/08 Apologies for absence: Cllrs. C. Purbrook and R. Wakerley.
At this point in the meeting Kirstin Bicknell showed the Council a glass tile. This was similar to one that could be made by anyone who attends one of the workshops. She then invited Councillors who wished to preview the window design to attend the meeting on Tuesday, 31st of March. She was thanked by the Chairman.
558/08 Declarations of Interest: None
559/08 Minutes of the meeting held on 26th January 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Charter and seconded by Cllr. Sherwen that the minutes of 26th January 2009 be signed as a true record.
560/08 Matters arising:
Item 493/08 (Minutes of the Planning Committee) At this meeting Cllr. Robson had offered her help to Cllr Barrett in the task of sourcing CCTV Cameras. Unfortunately due to time commitments Cllr. Robson is no longer able to help with this project. Cllr. Barrett reported that she has a meeting on the 24th with a company supplying CCTV equipment. This meeting will concentrate on the village car park and Vicarage Close.
561/08 Minutes of the Planning Committee:
2nd February: There were no comments.
16th February:
Item 544/08 (Police site in the centre of the village) Cllr. Mowatt asked about the letter which had been sent to Hundred Houses Society. He felt that the door to discussions should be opened a little wider and it was better to talk earlier, rather then later, even before plans for the site had been drawn up. The Council is to keep its eye on this matter.
Item 542/08 (Matters Arising) Cllr. Charter felt that the subject dealt with under this item needed to be clearer and show that it was two different matters being dealt with.
Cllr. Barrett reported that having spoken to the Enforcement Officer he was going to check on the compliance to the Enforcement Notice covering the workshop and garage on the site of White House Farm.
562/08 To consider the Post of External Auditor for the year 2009/2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Charter THAT MR PETER CHILVERS BE ASKED TO TAKE ON THE POST AS INTERNAL AUDITOR FOR THE YEAR 2009/2010. Seconded by Cllr. Barrett and CARRIED.
The Clerk will write to Mr Chilvers in connection with this matter.
563/08 Signing of New Mandate:
It was proposed by Cllr. Townsend THAT THE NEW BANK MANDATE BE SIGNED. Seconded by Cllr. Robson and CARRIED.
564/08 To consider that the Parish Council impose a ban on dogs (other than guide dogs) in Stockbridge Meadows reserve, this to be effective immediately.
See below
565/08 To consider that persons allowing their dogs to enter Stockbridge Meadows Reserve shall be liable to a fine.
Items 564 and 565 had been superseded by a decision taken at the Conservation Meeting held on 9th February to erect signs advising dog owners that dogs MUST be kept on leads at all times and owners MUST clear up after their dogs and that they have until 1st May to comply.
Cllr. Sherwen reported that the articles in the local newspapers were good articles on the site. The Clerk reported that the signs had been ordered and would be put in place as soon as possible. She also reported that a copy of the sign had been placed on the village notice board.
566/08 To receive quotations for the cutting of the grass verges in the village:
[The Chairman Suspended Standing orders at 8.00pm to allow for public participation]
[The Chairman resumed Standing Orders at 8.15pm]

567/08 To receive quotations for repairs to Little Hands Nursery Roof:
The Clerk is to talk to AJP Builders with regard to having a slope put into the roof. She is then to e-mail all the Councillors with her findings.
This repair will not need to be precepted for, as the money collected in rent can be used for this. The Council was happy in principle with these roof repairs.
[Cllr. Bloomfield left the meeting at this point the time being 8.30pm]
568/08 Financial Report as at 31st January 2009: Cllr Charter enquired about the soundness of the Anglo Irish Bank and wondered if the Council needed to look for another bank. The Clerk was asked to contact the Parishes of Sawston and Linton to enquire about their banking.
The member of the public present at the meeting mentioned the Charity Bank in Tunbridge, which makes loans to charitable organisations and seemed to be sound.
[Cllr. Stead left the meeting at this point the time being 9.00pm]
569/08 Cheques to be signed: See pdf file below for details of cheques
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £13,700 from the Business No Notice Account to the Current Account
It was proposed by Cllr. Guest that the cheques be approved and signed, seconded by Cllr. Sherwen and carried.
499/08 Correspondence:
(a) Letter from Mrs Hills – Stockbridge Meadows Riverside Park
The Clerk is to write to Mrs Hills informing her of the actions the Council are taking in this matter.
(b) Letter from Mr Saunders – Melbourn District Villages Association. Request for a donation for year 2008/2009 accompanied by year end accounts.
As this money had already been precepted for the Clerk is to write to Mr. Saunders informing him that the Parish Council are very pleased to give a donation and support this worthy cause.
(c) Letter from Smiths Gore – Church Commissioners. The old scout huts and Recreation Ground, Melbourn.
Cllr. Guest reported that the Church Commissioners had been given until the end of February by SCDC to deal with the Scout Hut.
At the present time the Clerk is just to acknowledge this letter.
(d) Letter from Harry Harris – permission for use of Recreation Ground week commencing 31st May to 7th June 2009.
The Clerk is to write to Mr. Harris informing him that the Council gives its permission for the fair to use the Recreation Ground on the dates mentioned.
(e) Letter from Melbourn Bowls Club – with regards to a written application to Melbourn Parish Council made on 23rd September 2008, for a financial grant towards an intended renovation project of the bowls green ditches. Noted. This is to go on the agenda of the Play Areas, Recreation and Youth meeting agenda.
(f) Letter from Mr Collingbourne – requesting permission to use the New Recreation Ground and Pavilion for Melbourn Village Fete on Saturday, 27th June plus to hold a “Music on the Moor” event as a continuation of the fete.
The Clerk is to write to Mr Collingbourne informing him that the Council gives it permission for the use of the New Recreation Ground for the Village Fete and for a “Music on the Moor” event following the fete.
(g) An invitation from Elaine Stephenson, Warden of Melbourn Village College to send a representative to preview the college’s 50th Anniversary window.
The Chairman will attend this event.
(h) Letter from Andy O’Hanlon, Arts Development Officer – 2 invitations to the “Start Now” art toolkit along with a presentation of awards by Cllr. Jim Stewart, Chairman of SCDC to be held at Comberton Leisure on Saturday 28th March 7-9pm. None of the Councillors were free to attend this event.
(i) Letter from CCC – Country Access Issues. Noted
(j) No further correspondence was received.
571/08 Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection Record:
At the present time Cllr. Gatward had not carried out the inspection.
572/08 New Road Cemetery:
Cllr. Gatward reported that it had been agreed not to put stainless steel lids on the water reservoirs and that the stand pipe was to be enclosed. Iron gates are now being considered for the entrance to the cemetery in place of a lychgate. She reported that children had been playing in the cemetery in the snow and using the mound as a hill to slide down.
The three Mountain Ash trees at the top of the cemetery may have survived the rabbit attack and the gap at the end of the metal fencing is to be filled in.
There has been approval for the return of some of the Anglo Saxon remains.
JW Maintenance has offered to empty the green wheelie bin if the Parish Council applies for one. This bin, if received, is to be made secure in the cemetery.
573/08 Further Developments to Village Car Park:
Cllr. Robson reported there is to be a meeting on Wednesday 25th February to be held in All Saints’ Community Hall commencing at 7.30pm to kick-start a Parish Plan. Two gentlemen, one from Meldreth and the other from Bassingbourn have been invited along and also a representative from Cambridge ACRE. At this meeting a discussion on the leasing of the car park will also take place.
574/08 Up date on BMX Trails:
Cllr. Hardingham is to meet with some of the youths on Saturday at the Conservation site to see what portion of the site is required. Planning application forms have been picked up from SCDC, but may not be required as change of use may not have to be applied for as this site is already used for recreation purposes.
575/08 Neighbourhood Panel:
Cllr. Townsend reported that the next meeting was to be held in April. She also reported that she had a attended a meeting on 31st January where Mr. Stephen Cambery had been awarded a Community award by the Chief Constable Julie Spence.
C. Cllr McCraith had two concerns with the police. One was that this area seemed to be used as training ground for PSCO’s to become PC and the other one was the importance of keeping a permanent base in the village for the police.
Cllr. Barrett reported that the Problem Solving Group was to meet again. The first meeting will take place on the 27th March at Melbourn Police Station.
576/08 Committees:
(a) Highways and Rural Footpaths:
Item 576/08(a) The Clerk was asked to contact David Lines again in connection with the laying down of yellow lines on Station Road and enquire when this will take place.
Item 524/08 (d) Cllr. Kulina enquired why some of the contents of his e-mail, in connection with speed bumps on Orchard Road, had not been mentioned in the minutes.
[As the time was approached 10.00pm it was proposed by Cllr Charter and Seconded by Cllr Gatward that the meeting continue till 10.15pm]
Although he was not present at this meeting, Cllr. Kulina felt that these minutes were not correct and had not been dealt with in the way they should have been as no discussion on an item on his e-mail had been recorded. The e-mail in question is to be put on the full Parish Council Meeting agenda so that it can be looked again.
Cllr. Gatward suggested that Mike Cooper from CCC Highways Department be asked to attend the next full Parish Council meeting. The Clerk was asked to contact Mike and invite him to this meeting.
(b) Conservation: Cllr. Gatward reported that she and Cllr. Charter had met with J W Maintenance to decide where the two notice boards were to be finally positioned. JW Maintenance has been asked to undertake the replacement of the missing post and rail from The Cross.
Cllr. Sherwen reported that the information board at Stockbridge Meadow Riverside Park is not in the right place and is to be repositioned.
(c) Cemetery: Cllr. Gatward reported that the hedge in Orchard Road cemetery had been reduced in height.
(d) Urgent reports from Committee Chairmen: Cllr. Barrett reported that pipe-laying at the end of the village had been stopped due to asbestos having been found in London Way.
577/08 Future Meetings.
(a) 2nd March – Planning
(b) 9th March – Play Areas, Recreation and Youth
(c) 16th March – Planning
(d) 23rd March – Parish Council
(e) 30th March – Finance & General Purpose
578/08 Urgent Matters.
Cllr. Sherwen asked Councillors to take notice of any overhanging hedges and bushes and put letters through the doors of owners requesting that these are cut back.
Cllr. Townsend reported that trees in Orchard Road overhang and can cause a nuisance to cyclists.
Cllr Gatward reported that Church Walk needs a litter-pick doing. She also though that nothing seems to get done at the Co-operative store which looks a mess and the car park needs resurfacing. Cllr. Guest thinks this may be about to happen as there is orange marking on the road.
There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 10.15pm

Addendum to the Parish Council meeting held on 23rd February 2009
A member of the public addressed the meeting. He was concerned about the condition of Footpath No 7 which runs along the river bank towards Meldreth. There were no signs of wood chippings on the surface, only deep mud on the path. He hoped that the Council would look at the path and do something to improve it. Cllr. Bloomfield said she may be able to supply some bark chippings but would check to see if she had enough to do the job.
The member of the public went on to say that he had asked CCC and Stagecoach to allow the Route 26 service to call in at Trumpington Park and Ride to connect passengers with Addenbrookes Hospital buses and London coaches. He said he had spoken to C. Cllr McCraith on this matter and asked if C. Cllr McCraith had done anything about it. He then asked if the Parish Council could write direct to CCC (Matt Bradley) and Stagecoach to request this change which would be a very minor diversion for the bus driver.
C. Cllr McCraith said he had asked CCC who had said it was nothing to do with them and to contact Stagecoach. C. Cllr McCraith could not remember what Stagecoach had to say on this matter.
Cllr. Charter pointed out that from the existing service it is possible to board the shuttle bus to travel to and from Addenbrookes.

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council