Parish Council 18 May, 2009


Minutes of an Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 18th May 2009 at Vicarage Close Community Centre at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt, R. Gatward, V. Barrett, I. Bloomfield, C. Charter, J. Guest, M. Linnette, J. Robson, C. Purbrook, M. Sherwen, C. Stead and R. Wakerley.
In attendance: The Clerk
1/09     Election of Chairman of the Parish Council:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward THAT CLLR. MOWATT BE ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL. Seconded by Cllr. Sherwen. There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.  CLLR. MOWATT WAS DULY ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL.
2/09     Election of Vice-Chairman:
It was proposed by Cllr. Sherwen THAT CLLR. TOWNSEND BE ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL. Seconded by Cllr. Barrett.  There were no other nominations and the proposal was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.  CLLR. TOWNSEND WAS DULY ELECTED VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PARISH COUNCIL.
3/09         Apologies for absence: Cllrs. A. Kulina, M. Townsend and C. Cllr D. McCraith.
At this point in the meeting the Chairman extended a warm welcome back to Cllr. Purbrook. This sentiment was echoed by all the Councillors at the meeting.
4/09 Nominations to Committees and Sub-Committees of the Parish Council:
The Chairman asked Councillors in turn to specify any changes they wished to make in their Committee membership and new Councillors to indicate which committee they wished to serve on.
All Councillors present were happy to continue on the committees they served on at the present time.
5/09     Confirmation of Parish Council Representatives on Melbourn Schools, Charities and Organisations:
(a)       Melbourn Primary School Governors – Cllr. Gatward
(b)      Board of Trustees of John Clear Almshouses – Mrs Mavis Howard.
(c)       Parish Council representative on the Board of Trustees of Martin’s Charity – The Clerk.
(d)      Parish Council representative on the Board of Trustees for Trigg’s Charity Trust – Cllrs. Barrett and Robson.
(e)       Parish Council representative to the Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme – Cllr. Guest.
(f)        Parish Council representative to Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Scheme. – Cllr. Bloomfield.
(g)    Melbourn and District Villages Association – Cllrs. Robson and Mowatt.
6/09     Any other business: There was no other business.
This concluded the business of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
7/09    Declarations of Interest: Cllr. Gatward declared a personal interest in Item 17/09.  Cllr. Guest declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 20/09.
8/09     Minutes of the Meeting held on 27th April 2009:
It was proposed by Cllr. Guest and seconded by Cllr. Gatward that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2009 be signed as a true record.
9/09         Matters arising:
Item 674/08(e) (Correspondence) Cllr Guest said that the Parish Council had written to Mrs Trueman on the matter of funding for the Mobile Warden Scheme.  Cllr. Guest had also spoken to Mrs Truman on this matter.  Cllr. Guest though that the scheme needed some assistance as the figures presented to the Council in January were already out of date.  The Scheme no longer had a treasurer.  Cllr. Gatward said she felt that more than one member of the Council should be on the committee for the Mobile Warden Scheme.  Cllr. Barrett offered her services and will attend any committee meetings alongside Cllr. Guest.
Item 665/08 (622/08) (traffic calming on Orchard Road) The Clerk had passed on the e-mail received on this matter to Cllr. Kulina and she did no know which date had been chosen.
Item 665/08 (624/08) (New Road Cemetery).  Cllr. Sherwen had contacted Mr Carroll and had received a letter from Mr Carroll in response.  Cllr. Sherwen read out his letter.
Cllr. Sherwen wished for the reburial of the Anglo Saxon remains to be carried out with dignity and in an appropriate manner.  This is to be made an agenda item at the Cemetery meeting in June.
Cllr. Stead reported that the road sign at the end of The Moor is now being repaired and will be replaced when finished.
Cllr. Stead that Network Rail would like to close the kissing gate which leads into Flambards.  Meldreth Parish Council wanted to keep this gate.  The renaming of the station from Meldreth to Meldreth and Melbourn station would have a cost attached to it and Cllr. Stead raised the question of who would pay for this if it where to happen.  Cllr. Stead will look into this matter.
10/09     New Notification and Planning Consultation Documents. There were no documents received:
11/09   New Planning applications:
Pocket Park, Grinnel Hill, London Way.  Change of use from Pocket Park to recreation use.  S/0526/09/F.  The Council having put in this application could not comment on it.
Rosslyn, Cambridge Road.  Extension.  S/0459/09/F.  Recommend Approval
Land to the North-west of Bridge Farm Kennels, Flint Cross.  Erection of two poultry houses.  S/0311/09/F.  Planning application has been amended
For information only.
Land to the North-east of 15 Fordham Way.  House.  S/0482/09/F.  The Planning application has been amended.  The Parish Council were invited to comment on these amended plans.
Recommend Approval.
12/09    Planning Correspondence:
(a) Copy of letter from Mr and Mrs Skelton to Planning Services, SCDC.  Efforts made towards the condition of the property.  Noted.
13/09    Remarks made on Annual Return by the Internal Auditor.
The Council were happy to see that all the requirements were being carried out in a proper manner and that all the boxes had been marked with a Yes by the Internal Auditor.
14/09    Annual Report for the Year 2009/2010:
It was proposed by Cllr. Gatward THAT THE ANNUAL RETURN FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31st 2009 BE APPROVED AND SIGNED. Seconded by Cllr. Barrett and CARRIED
15/09 Gates to New Road Cemetery:
Cllr. Sherwen had concerns that the site has a contour to it, which may cause problems with the function of the gates and access.  Gates need a level plane to function correctly.
Cllr. Gatward showed the meeting some work carried out by Matthew Lane Sanderson and a drawing he had prepared which showed what he thought the new gates could look like.
The Clerk is to make this an agenda item at the next Cemetery Meeting.  She is also to invite  Matthew to attend with any further ideas and suggestions he may have for the new gates.
16/09       Financial Report as at 30th April  2009: Noted
17/09   Cheques to be signed: SEE ATTACHED PDF FILE
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £21,000 from the Business No Notice Account to the Current Account.
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £24.52 from the Magazine Account to the Business No Notice Account.
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £200 from the Business No Notice Account to the Martins Charity Account.
The Clerk recommended the transfer of £72,959.55 from the Business No Notice account to the Business 14 Day Account.
It was proposed by Cllr. Purbrook that the cheques be approved and signed, seconded by Cllr. Guest and carried with one abstention.
Cllr. Gatward having declared a personal interest in the above item did not vote on this matter.
18/09       One-on-One Basketball Court:
19/09       Correspondence:
(a)           All Saints Melbourn Community Hall – Application for funding and as requested Year End Accounts.  Noted
[Cllr. Robson join the meeting at this point the time being 8.40pm]
(b)        Smith Gore – The Old Recreation Ground.
The Clerk is to seek the advice of the Council’s Solicitor, Mr Larcombe to ask if a short lease would prejudice the Council’s case of seeking the land being returned to the ownership of the village.
(c)          Letter from Melbourn Bowls Club.  Thanking the Council for its generous donation towards the ditch renovation project.  Noted.
(d)         Letter from the Treasurer of Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Group.  Thanking the Council for its donation.  Noted
(e)           Letter from Philip Norwell – Commercial Director, Stagecoach.  Route No 26.  Noted.
(f)            CCC re The Big Lunch.  Noted.
(g)           Letter from Mr Clive Angel – thanks for the re-imbursement of the contribution to the re-erection of the rabbit fence round the plots at Gray’s Allotments.  Noted.
(h)        E-mail from Michael Oakman.  Dates for the meeting 26 or 28th May.
The Clerk is to contact Mr Oakman and request the date of the 28th May.  She is to ask what time the meeting is to be held and inform Mr Oakman there will be three Councillors attending.
(i)            SCDC – Car park off the High Street.  Noted
(j)         E-mail from Graham Johnson-Mack – Permission to erect a banner on The Cross advertising Free Swimming.
The Council wanted to know the size of the banner and what duration was required.  Cllr. Bloomfield is to look into this matter.
(k)           Letter from Mr Quinton Carroll – Anglo Saxon Remains.  This had been dealt with under Item 9/09.
(l)            E-mail from Susan van de Ven – Renaming of Meldreth Railway Station.  Noted.
(m)       Letter from Cllr Charter – tendering his resignation as a Councillor.
The Clerk is to write to Mr Charter and inform him that the Council regrets his leaving and his knowledge and contributions will be missed.  She is also to thank him for his service to the Council.
There was no further correspondence received.
20/09       The Pavilion:
A letter was presented to the Councillors from Mr Brian Collinbourne – Chair of Melbourn Village fete Committee on the subject of the internal water supply to the toilets in the Pavilion.  Mr Collinbourne had sought advice on this matter and the Chairman read out the recommendations as set out in the letter.
It was proposed by Cllr. Barrett THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL CARRIED OUT MODIFICATIONS TO THE WATER SUPPLY TO THE TOILETS IN THE PAVILION AS RECOMMENDED BY THE COMPANY ABSOLUTE SOLUTIONS AT A PRICE OF £400 TO £450.  Seconded by Cllr. Purbrook and CARRIED with one abstention by Cllr Guest, who having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item did not vote.
21/09       Cemetery and Churchyard Inspection Record:
Cllr. Stead had not finished his inspection.  When he had he would visit the Parish Office to fill in the book.
22/09       New Road Cemetery:
Cllr. Gatward reported that the soil store has now been finished.  Some blockwork is still visible from the car park.  It was suggested that shrubs be planted to shield this blockwork.
One of the Himalayan Birch trees has died and needs replacing.
JW Maintenance has trimmed the yew hedge.
The two remaining seats have been installed.
23/09       Village Car Park:
The Clerk is to contact to JW Maintenance to enquire about the removal of shrubs from the front of the car park and ground cover plants being put in their place.
24/09       BMX Trails:
SCDC Planning Department are considering the plans at the present time.
25/09       CCTV Cameras:
Cllr. Barrett met with the company Active Security to discuss several sites in the village where the installation of cameras may be appropriate.  It was suggested that an approach be made to SCDC to see if it was willing to come up with any funding.
Cllrs. Barrett and Purbrook will meet to discuss issues raised and will come back to the Council with recommendations.
26/09       Meetings of the Neighbourhood Panel:
The next meeting is to be held on 21st July at Bassingbourn Village College.
27/08       Minutes of Committees:
(a) Urgent reports from Chairman. There were no urgent reports from Chairmen of committees
28/09       Clerk’s Holidays
The meeting approved the Clerk’s holidays.
29/09       Future Meetings.
(a) 1st June – Planning
(b) 8th June – Play Areas, Recreation and Youth + Cemetery
(c) 15th June –  Planning
(d) 22nd June – Parish Council Meeting
(e) 29th June – Finance and General Purpose
30/09 Urgent Matters.
Cllr. Robson asked if the Parish Plans could be made an agenda item in future.
The Clerk is to contact Mr Larcombe with regard to the Allotments Association.  She is to make this an agenda item at the next Conservation meeting.
Cllr. Bloomfield has a meeting with Andy Swallow to discuss the automation of the flashing light (normally turned on by the Crossing Patrol Person) and one of the questions raised will be who will have to pay for this work being carried out.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00 pm.

Welcome to Melbourn Parish Council