F & G Minutes 5 November, 2012


Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on Monday 5th November 2012 at the Parish Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor commencing at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllrs. D. Mowatt (Chairman) I. Bloomfield, R. Gatward, J. Hales,
M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett, and M. Townsend.
In attendance: Avril Mellor former Clerk to the Parish Council.
F&G/16/12  Apologies for absence:  Cllr. Crosby and the Clerk.
F&G/17/12 Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests:

Cllr. Hales F&G/22/12:  Wife is associated with the Mobile Warden Scheme

Cllr. Gatward F&G/22/12: Is associated with the transport scheme.

F&G/18/12  Minutes of the meeting held on 20th August 2012: It was proposed by Cllr. Hales seconded by Cllr Simmonett and agreed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting.
F&G/19/12 Matters arising:  There were no matters arising.
F&G/20/12  Matters relating to staff: This was discussed in Closed Session.           
F&G/21/12 To receive a report on Income and Expenditure: All committee members were given a print-out of Income and Expenditure which covered the period up to the 29th October. Cllr Hales explained that as the print-out only covered six months the balances would be subject to change.

It was decided that in future the S106 monies needed to be shown on the Budget Heading print-out and that S106 monies needed to be used within a specified time limit.

The question was asked if the Clerk had set up the 90-day account for the transfer of the £200,000.

ACTION:  The Clerk
Cllr. Gatward brought up the matter of the reclaiming of the insurance money for Little Hands Nursery which had been paid by the Council.  In the past a percentage of the money had always been reclaimed from Little Hands Nursery by the Clerk who provided them with an invoice for the amount owing.  The committee requested that the Clerk look into this matter.
ACTION:  The Clerk
F&G/22/12 To consider the preparation of the Precept for 2013/14: Cllr Hales informed the meeting of each committee’s budget requirements and these were then discussed.             
F&G/23/12 Correspondence:

(a)  To consider a request from Victim Support for a donation. A donation of £200 was suggested and this was agreed to by all.

ACTION:  The Clerk

(b) To consider a request from MAGPAS for Funding.  A donation of £200 was suggested and this was agreed to by all.

ACTION: The Clerk              
F&G/24/12 To consider any review of Standing Orders: The committee requires a possible amendment to Standing Orders to state that any precept not spent by a committee can be spent by another committee which still has work to be carried out.  All decisions on this matter will be made by the Finance and General Purpose Committee.  The Clerk is to look into the wording of the Standing Orders.
ACTION;  The Clerk
F&G/25/12 Urgent matters: Cllr. Simmonett showed the committee a letter he had received from QEII Community Champion Award.  It was an invitation to the 2012 Fields in Trust Award Dinner at which the National Winner will be announced.  This will take place on Thursday 29th November at Lord’s Cricket Ground.  Cllr. Simmonett has been invited for his outstanding work on this matter and thanks to him Melbourn has more dedicated fields than any other Parish or Town Council in the country.  He was congratulated by all the committee for his work on this project and in receiving this invitation.

Cllr. Gatward would like all S106 monies received listed with the appropriate committees.

Cllr. Gatward requested that items removed from the Parish Office should either be signed for, or a photocopy taken of the document and this photocopy then be given out.

It was suggested that all documents entering into the Parish Office should be scanned making them easy to find.

ACTION:  The Clerk
It was requested that the Clerk includes the name of Mr David Piggott, Station Master at Meldreth Station in the invitation list for the Chairman’s reception.
ACTION:  The Clerk
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.25pm

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