Conservation Minutes 17 September, 2012

Melbourn Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of a Conservation Committee Meeting held on
Monday, 17th September, 2012 in the Parish Office at 8.15p.m.

Present: Cllrs. R. Gatward, J. Hales, A. Mulcock, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett,   M. Townsend, V.Barrett and K.Rudge (Ranger).
In Attendance: The Clerk
CON/36/12: Apologies for absence: None
CON/37/12: Declarations of Interest: None
CON/38/12: Minutes of the meeting of 6th August. 2012:
It was proposed by Cllr Hales, seconded by Cllr Simmonett and agreed that the minutes of the meeting of 6th August, 2012 were a true record of the meeting.
CON/39/12: Matters arising:

(a)  CEM/29/12: Cllr Sherwen reported that he had been in touch with people involved in traditional hedge-laying. He intends to take them to all the approaches of the village to assess the situation. Cllr Gatward suggested that a good starting point was on the Royston Road from the bypass to the bungalow.

(b)  CEM/28/12: Cllr Hales reported on the proposed installation of the new drainage system on the High Street and with regard to the Old Police Site. It is proposed that both sites will be done at the same time. Cllr Gatward requested that the plans be made available and looked at. Cllr Hales said they were still being prepared and that he will see to it that the plans are made available as soon as possible. Cllr Mulcock raised concerns about drainage at the bottom of Greenbanks and it was agreed that Highways need to come and look into it.

(c) CEM/27/12: The Ranger reported that the cost of the proposed mower would be £480. This is to be placed on the next agenda and placed in the next financial year.

CON/40/12: Income and Expenditure Report:

(a) Cllr Mowatt enquired about the £2000 with regard to the allotments. He was assured that that was the correct sum of money.

(b)  Cllr Mulcock enquired about the Direct Debit and was informed that this was a quarterly payment.

(c) Cllr Hales asked about the payment to Shire Tree Surgery for the removal of the Cherry Tree and the need to remove the stump which is still there. The Clerk to enquire and to get the stump removed.

(d)  Cllr Hales reported that the bill for the provision of the water supply to the allotment was good vale and reported that the provision of water to Grinnell Hill has been provided by Cambridge Water free of charge.

CON/41/12: To receive an update on Stockbridge Meadows
Cllr Gatward reported on the success of the working day and that all concerned were delighted with the outcomes. The people who carried out the work will be invited to the Chairman’s Reception.
Cllr Sherwen asked about the new scrapes and was assured that they will be just reed beds.
CON/43/12: Correspondence: None
CON/44/12: To receive a report from the Ranger:
The Ranger made a general statement on behalf of the workforce saying he believed the workload had greatly increased over the years and that presented problems about getting all the demands met. There was general agreement about this. Cllr Mowatt asked that a priorities list be drawn up by each committee and that the priorities were acted on first and other jobs left until they could be done or contracted out. The work priorities are to be sorted out by the Clerk and the Ranger.
The Ranger reported on the work he has done in Stockbridge Meadows and the clearing of the sign at the end of the village.
ACTION: The Clerk and the Ranger
CON/45/12: To consider any matters concerning the village allotments:
The Clerk reported on the action already taken concerning the asbestos situation and future action with regard to its placement and removal.
ACTION: The Clerk
CON/46/12: To consider any urgent matters:

(a)  Cllr Mowatt asked about the responsibility for the footpath behind the cross which, he was informed, is the responsibility of the County Council. Caution was urged about its possible repair/replacement and Cllrs Hales and Simmonett will pursue the matter. The Clerk reported that he has tried to contact the British Legion with regard to the crazy paving but has received no reply. The Clerk to liaise with Cllr Barrett about making contact with the British Legion.

(b)  Cllr Gatward reported that she would like to plant crocus bulbs and has made contact with a supplier in Wisbech. Cllrs Mowatt and Hales thought the order should be placed locally.

(c) A question was asked about the tubs and it was agreed that the council should allocate money for their replanting. The Clerk to write to the people concerned to thank them for their endeavours and to convey the news about replanting.

(d)  Cllr Simmonett reported that the village has been awarded hedging packs and silver birches from the Woodland Trust. The silver birches would be planted behind the Old Police Site by agreement with the school which would be involved in the planting. Cllr Simmonett believed the hedge packs should be planted along New Road and that this would be carried out by volunteers. The owners of the land will be contacted along with Andrew Grimmer, Trees Officer, and Mike Cooper from Highways. Cllr Sherwen said that this might be an ideal place to begin the traditional hedge-laying.

(e) Cllrs Mowatt and Hales raised the issue of the long term objectives for Stockbridge Meadows and the need to access S106 money to bring these about in order to ensure that the money is not reclaimed. The Ranger to investigate the cost of a side-mower.

ACTION: The Clerk, Cllr Gatward, Cllrs Hales and Simmonett, The Ranger
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.47 p.m.

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