Conservation Minutes 10 April, 2012

Minutes of a Conservation Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 10th April 2012.
Present: Cllrs. R. Gatward (Ch), V. Barrett, A. Brett, K. Crosby, J. Hales, A. Mulcock, M. Sherwen, P. Simmonett and M. Townsend.
Also present: Mr K. Rudge (Ranger) and G. Squires.
794/11:    Apologies for absence: None.
795/11:    Declarations of Interest: Cllrs. Crosby and Sherwen declared a personal interest in Item 800/11.
796/11:    Minutes of the meeting of 13th February 2012:
It was proposed by Cllr. Barrett, seconded by Cllr. Simmonett and agreed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting.
797/11:    Matters arising:

675/11. Cllr Brett had composed a letter to the Insurance Company, As long as the area is protected by adequate fencing there would be no concern.  The Ranger has repaired the chain-link fence. The Committee agreed that the problem is resolved.

680/11. Planting wild flowers along the verge by the path from the car park to the Pavilion on the New Recreation Ground was considered a good idea.

674/11. The Clerk is dealing with subject of pest control, no reply to date.

672/11. (554/11) The Clerk is dealing with contracts for the renovation of the Fire Engine house.

672/11. (553/11) The Clerk is dealing with the subject of the repair to the footpath behind the War Memorial.

ACTION: The Clerk
798/11:    E-mail about trees and ivy.

Although the e-mail was not to hand it was from Mr Stebbings raising the question of the ivy clad trees in Water Lane/Summerhouse Lane and Back Lane. These are not on Parish Council land it was considered that they were the responsibility of CCC Highways or residents. After discussion the Clerk was asked to reply to Mr Stebbings thanking him for his concern and work he has already carried out on the ivy in Back Lane/Water Lane.

The meeting agreed that a contractor should be asked to assess the problems and requirements to make the boundaries safe.

The Clerk was also asked to write to Mr Wedd to ask if he would assist in the clearance of Summerhouse Lane.

ACTION: The Clerk
799/11:    Electricity and Water Installation on The Old Recreation Ground.

Quotations had been received from UK Power for the connection of electricity to the site. The quotation included the design of a secure brick housing for the connection/meters etc.  The requirement of this type of box was questioned as Cllrs had investigated standard metal boxes available from Jewson’s for both water and electricity at much lower cost. Cllr. Mulcock agreed to contact UK Power and discuss the location and type of housing required and report back to the Committee.

800/11:    Trees at the top of Hale Close.

A picture was shown of three large leylandii in a grass triangle at the top of Hale Close.  These are now very large and causing problems of visibility, car parking and street lighting. The Committee questioned whose responsibility these were. There was a long discussion with regard to the trees.  There was concern that if CCC Highways were informed that it was its responsibility the trees would be completely removed.  It was agreed initially to ask CC Highways if it was responsible for this triangle at the top of Hale Close.  Meanwhile the Clerk was asked to write to residents affected in the area informing them of this action and would inform them of any proposed action before it was carried out.

ACTION: The Clerk
801/11:    Worcester Way.

The Handyman and the Ranger have cleared much of the rubbish from the area and the Ranger has secured the gate. A latch is needed for the small pedestrian gate.

802/11:    Income and Expenditure.

There is approximately £3,000 remaining form last year but this is earmarked for the installation of water and electricity on the Old Rec.

803/11:    Correspondence.

There was no correspondence received.

804/11:    Ranger’s Report.

There was a request to lay wood chippings at the rear of 83 High Street now it has been cleared.  There was discussion of the role of Meadow Nurseries in this and other sites.

805/11:    Allotments.

The actions from the last meeting in item 681/11 concerning the possibility of handing the total running of the allotments to St. Georges should be continued. The Parish Council to investigate its legal responsibilities regarding the supply, tenure and insurance obligations if this was achieved.

Cllr. Hales agreed to speak to the Allotment Association to ask if it thinks it could run manage the allotments

806/11:    Urgent Matters.

(a)   The Handymen were asked to clear the ivy growing on the greengage trees in Elm Way.

(b)   The Chairman thanked the Handymen and Volunteers for the work carried out so far at 83 High Street.

There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10pm

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